09-08-2024 08:56 AM
I have recently started to have issues with my system experiencing instability in games. I have also read about the 13980hx being affected by the intel bug causing degradation over time. I just wanted to know if others were experiencing this or if it was just me.
I am on the latest bios, I dont overclock, and I have bios at default. I also have all recent drivers, including Nvidia drivers for the 4080.
*If* anyone else is experiencing this, have they had any help from support? Unfortunately, my laptop is just outside of warranty and it looks like they are going to expect me to foot the bill, despite the fact they almost certainly are refunded by intel for any diagnostics/work. Am I wrong to think if a product was rolled out with defects that it shouldnt fall on the consumer? Its also quite unfortunate that the issues began to show almost immediately after the warranty expired... Ive never had these types of issues with previous laptops so I never had to deal with a company like this.
10-04-2024 05:36 AM
That was an interesting video. Its interesting to see they are capping the desktop processors to 1.55v while my laptop processor passes that. I also found it interesting that they are saying the degradation also happens at low voltages, i think he said .7 volts, and i see my min voltage dipping quite a bit below that. definitely makes it seem like the laptop processors have the same issues, just not as profound and therefore its trying to be covered up/brushed under the rug.
10-04-2024 04:35 PM
I expect the microcode will be quietly rolled out to mobile cpu as well and motherboard partners (asus in our case) have had a hand in this issue as well with their insistence of pushing these cpu for bragging rites so they can say"look our product is faster than our competators " just give us a stable platform first ! and stop insisting we have to use their sus control sofware (armoury crate ).
And heres a novel idea ..suport your customers that have legit problems with these cpu.
As a long time asus fan i can no longer suport this company if they insist on not supporting their customers.
10-03-2024 10:39 PM
I would never advise undervolting in bios. If something goes wrong it's a lot harder to deal with. -80 is insanely low however. The 13980hx can do upwards of -160 if you're lucky, so I'm even being conservative with my settings. So either something is wrong with the CPU, or with how it is done in the bios.
I mean, you can just reset your bios to default and try my settings in TS. It's not like it can do anything bad. Undervolting won't hurt your cpu on a crash and since it is TS it won't stop a post or anything since you need to launch it to apply.
10-04-2024 05:42 AM
i may give it a go, but i definitely feel like something is wrong. Can you clarify on the -80 being insanely low? Do you mean its not very much for it not to work? If so, this is how i felt since everything ive seen people are getting upwards of -120 to -160, like you said.
I know the bios isnt the absolute best route, however, i figured (during warranty) that it wouldnt void warranty, whereas they may try to blame TS for damages if something happened. Not saying it would be TS fault if something happened, but ive use this laptop stock/within asus armoury crate parameters since ive had it. I also havent used Ghelper (thought ive wanted to) for the same reasons. Ive just heard that asus can be nit picky about looking for a way to blame the user and didnt want to risk it.
10-04-2024 07:50 AM
Yeah, you should be getting close to -160 if everything is good. Maybe you're unlucky and you need to lower to -150 or -140, but it shouldn't be that big of a difference. Something is real weird for it to be unstable with -80.
As for warranty ... first of all, you're far more likely to mess something up by undervolting or overclocking in bios then with TS. Secondly, there is no reason to ever void someone's warranty for undervolting. It will never damage your cpu. It might make it unstable and crash, but it can't cause long term harm. And doing it in ts is a lot safer since you can't get stuck unable to boot up the laptop and having to reset the cmos to fix things.
Again on the g-heper and armory crate thing. G-helper is far more lightweight and does most of the same thing. It's fine if you use armory crate as it won't likely be the cause of the crashes, but it's basically mallware with how ******ty it is.
10-04-2024 10:54 AM
I totally agree with everything you said, but my reasoning still makes sense to me, i just dont trust a manufacturer to not look for any way to get out of doing warranty work. Maybe i am too pessimistic.
10-04-2024 08:41 PM
Ok, but now that I actually look at it, since I didn't notice you were the thread starter... you said that you're outside warranty anyway, so I don't get what you're worried about then. Also, if you're this paranoid then undervolting in bios is more likely to give them an excuse, since if you undervolt too much and it doesn't boot they will just blame it on that to get out of it, unless you open the laptop, disconnect the battery and reset cmos, but then wouldn't you think they'd blame it on you messing with the laptop if you're that paranoid?
Realistically, the manufacturer has no right to invalidate your warranty even if you reapply the liquid metal, the sticker they put up or any other bs is worthless, and they just use scare tactics, knowing people won't contest it. Unless they can prove what you did damaged the laptop they have no right to invalidate warranty.
10-03-2024 11:34 PM
Yeah my scar 18 2023 with the 4090 mobile has been a little wonky at times. I feel like stuff isn't working right and then a restart fixes things. Or random game crashes without a event log. I am on a -150mv undervolt still testing out settings.
10-04-2024 06:00 AM
how frequent are crashes? Ive been playing grim dawn and have almost certain crashes in shattered realms and lately been crashing in town usually just by getting in my inventory, chest, or a shop. Its becoming ridiculous and nearly unusable. Sometimes it lasts for a for hours before crashes, sometimes ill get 5-10 minutes so there is definitely an issue. Its also not the only game it occurs in, its happened in numerous games, CK3, TW Troy, Farcry 6, and some others. I also have had issues with event log not tracking the event, however, Ive also had it track them. It was constantly giving the 0xc000005 (may be missing 0's) when playing CK3 and TW Troy, and looking at event log its even apparently happening with AsusSmartDisplayControl.exe, nvdisplay.container.exe and im sure more. Grim Dawn give no error code, just has and App hang event and tells me it shutdown. Im also getting regular 0xc0000374 crashing Hwinfo64 and intelsoftwareassetmanagerservice.exe wich has faulting module ntdll.dll, and 0xc0000409 crashing Hwinfo64. I mean ive got a lot of application errors, which i know may be not that unusual, but my experience with user apps is absolutely terrible now with all of the crashing. This computer was reset on 9/26/2024 and i have 988 critical errors, im not positive, but that seems pretty darn high.