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Are any other (2023) G814jz or I9-13980hx users experiencing instability?

Level 8

I have recently started to have issues with my system experiencing instability in games. I have also read about the 13980hx being affected by the intel bug causing degradation over time. I just wanted to know if others were experiencing this or if it was just me.

I am on the latest bios, I dont overclock, and I have bios at default. I also have all recent drivers, including Nvidia drivers for the 4080.

*If* anyone else is experiencing this, have they had any help from support? Unfortunately, my laptop is just outside of warranty and it looks like they are going to expect me to foot the bill, despite the fact they almost certainly are refunded by intel for any diagnostics/work. Am I wrong to think if a product was rolled out with defects that it shouldnt fall on the consumer? Its also quite unfortunate that the issues began to show almost immediately after the warranty expired... Ive never had these types of issues with previous laptops so I never had to deal with a company like this.


Level 8

What kind of issues are you experiencing? I also have similar case, in my case though, I have random restarts and when I go to see it in the event viewer, it shows up as Kerner-Power error. I have ran all of the ASUS diagnostic but it does not show any fault. The restart happens when I'm playing games or using editing software like premiere pro or after effects. The issues started happening in about 9 months after I purchased the laptop, however it was running perfectly fine for 9 months with no issues at all.

Apologies, i didnt know you had responded. I am experiencing crashes in nearly all games (if not all) and sometimes browser windows crashes. I had been getting a lot of the 0xc0000005 event errors, however I have attempted to (for like the third time) reinstall windows. All the issues persist, however, I dont have all of my old event logs and havent really parsed through current ones. I am crashing frequently, and i do mean frequently (sometimes every 5 minutes) in Grim Dawn (which is and older game and seems to rely pretty heavily on single core). I also have noticed i have voltages (Core VID in Hwinfo64) of around 1.6v pretty constantly, which im sure are just spikes. My temps also spike to (i think the highest I have seen) 97 Celsius, which may not be a huge issue, but these are the conditions that seem to constantly have occurred when I do have CTD. I have not experiences BSOD, however. Its gotten pretty ridiculous and im worried my laptop is going to be a way overpriced paper weight pretty soon. I also find it incredibly crazy to send it in to pay for what is probably a way overpriced repair. I also have ran every diagnostic i can think of and returned no errors/faults/negative results.

Level 10

I can't sat anything for certain, but for me, a combination of undervolting, limiting core ratios and PL1&PL2 have made it so that I've had no blue screens in months, where previously I'd have random ones every week. Mind you, PL1 and PL2 didn't really have anything to do with stability I guess, that was more to keep temps lower.



Could you tell me how you undervolted, Im going to set the PL1 and 2 numbers and tweak a bit. However, I do not know how to undervolt gpus or limit core ratios. If you can give me like a short tutorial I would appreciate it alot since I do not have a lot of knowledge in this cuz I have never had to troubleshoot this kind of issues.

Level 10

I used throttlestop. My settings are :


 Now you can have the core ratios a bit higher and it should be fine, with a bit more performance but it won't make much of a difference tbh. Most of these settings give you better performance overall anyway, since you don't throttle as much.

The TPL, you don't have to change, this will lower performance, at least in cinebench by a bit, took my score from 34k+ to low 33k. But it keeps temps lower overall, and I prefer that.

Now, mind you... these numbers work for me, and you can start from there and lower/increase as needed. This is what I found most stable, after initially having the undervolt higher. Not all CPUs are equal though, so it will vary, depending on how lucky you are.


Hi, thank you so so much for replying back and providing me with the info, greatly appreciate it. 

Also, may I ask what specs you have? I know that you have mentioned G814JZ which is the same model I have. I just wanted to make sure! 

Here are my specs:

ROG Strix G814JZ_G814JZ

BIOS: G814JZ.329

Processor: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i9-13980Hx (32 CPUs) - 2.2GHZ

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Laptop GPU - 12GB

Memory: 32768MB RAM (32GB)

DirectX 12

I copied these from dxdiag.

Also, quick final question. Which set up do you use? in terms of settings in Armory Crate or G-Helper. Windows, Balanced, Perf., Turbo or Ultimate, Standard, etc...

Also, have you changed anything under power plan in the windows control panel?


Level 10

Yes it's the same model. And I didn't specify earlier, that was the original thread creator.  The only difference is that I'm on the 325 bios. But I don't think that's much of a difference to be honest.

Armory crate is uninstalled, I use G-helper :


Haven't changed anything important in the power plan, just stuff like turning sleep and display turning off to never when plugged.


Thank you so so much, honestly. Hahaha and I'm sorry for thinking you were the OP, I didn't look at the name and just thought it was the OP who replied back. Anyways, last question, did you upgrade any RAM if so which RAM are you using? I have a 32GB.

Level 10

Just have the original 32, didn't see any reason to upgrade, as it's already more then enough for what I need.