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adding another Asus to the family

Level 7
Just got my G75 (after being a happy G74 and TF301 owner for some time) and my only complaint so far is that the Atheros card won't do 5Ghz? Already ordered my 4th 4GB stick and a replacement 6230 to swap it out, but was kinda shocked to see Asus include an N capable card that only uses 2.4Ghz.

Otherwise, well done Asus. I'm very pleased to not have to deal with more touchpad issues (my only real complaint on my G74). Nice layout, looks, great feel to it. and the performance is simply blistering so far. GW2 and SWTOR both running (at the same time) on max settings with no appreciable slowdown.

Just figured it'd be nice to have another "good job" post to counterbalance all the issue posts. If you're out shopping for a new laptop/desktop replacement, you'll be hard pressed to find a better value for your dollar than the G75. I just built a new gaming rig for home that has marginally better stats than my G75 (670 vs 670M, 16GB vs 12Gb, both core i7) for maybe $100-150 more.

Level 18
With Great Respect for 'saying so'. Thank You.
These are far to rare and make the negative few glare.c.

Level 17
Excellent notes - join my group if you haven't already! Since your comps seem to be working, please stay around and help others! We need more like that on the forum! 🙂
I am disturbed because I cannot break my system...found out there were others trying to cope! We have a support group on here, if your system will not break, please join!
We now have 178 people whose systems will not break! Yippee! 🙂
LINUX Users, we have a group!