05-03-2023 11:26 PM
today i get my XG32UQ for my PS5 / XSX.
I ask myself if it is possible to update the Firmware of the Monitor?
And if yes, do i need to connect the monitor to a PC (with USB) and use a software, or is it enough to use a USB-Drive with the firmwarefile.
And if its a USB-Drive, where can i download it?
Thanks a lot!
05-03-2023 11:43 PM
I would expect it to be similar to my XG43UQ. Just plug the supplied USB 3.0 A-to-B cable into a PC and run the firmware updater.
Right now, however, I'm not seeing any firmware downloads for it. If any are released in the future, a firmware tab will be added to the XG32UQ Downloads page (the downloads on there right now are for use with a Windows PC).
05-03-2023 11:48 PM
Ok, thanks!
Thats why i asked: I can't find an update on the download-page and i thought i need the display-widget-software for it... but it's good that this is not the case!
And because there is no update for the XG32UQ - i dont need to do anything 🙂
Thanks again!