06:36 AM
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07:54 PM
06-25-2018 04:04 PM
06-26-2018 12:21 AM
ChuckTom wrote:
I hope its ok to reply here even though I dont own one....Yet.
I would love to hear your opinion and I'll try to keep it simple. I have a UFO graded rig built 2 years ago but an 8 year old 1080p HP2310e monitor up to today. I recently upgraded from a 980ti to 1080ti card (founders edition) and I thought that this monitor was going to by my holy grail. The price came out, then, word that even a single 1080ti will not make the monitor shine. I was at Microcenter last week and sales guys told not to even bother with this monitor and go with the PG279Q instead and just go 2K with the higher framerates.
Heres the delimma: I really want to upgrade, this week in fact, but I dont want to buy a $700 2k monitor only to get a new one in 2 years for the same price, or do I splurge and get this model and get a better GPU later? I really wish I could hear from someone who owns only one 1080ti card and this monitor. Also, to be honest, I have never seen a game on a 1440 monitor..only youtube vids....lol.
06-26-2018 06:26 AM
Chewiie wrote:
I have this monitor and am running it on a single 1080ti with an i7 6700k cpu. It works fine for running most games at 4k and even on high-ultra settings. Battlefield 1 runs at 70-80fps at 4k on ultra even with AO and AA on. Some other less intense shooters in terms of system requirements like Rising Storm 2: Vietnam I can get over 130fps consistently with every setting cranked all the way up.
I'd buy the monitor now and wait to get a new gpu later. This monitor was a major upgrade for me compared to the PG279Q. That FALD backlight and Quantum Dot display layer really makes a difference in terms of colors and black level even in SDR mode. HDR mode is a whole new world of amazing.
It's still up in the air as to what kind of gains the 11 serious of nvidia cards will have over a 1080ti (if any). It's still up in the air if 11 series cards will even be coming out this year. Chances are the flagship 11 series gpu will be at or slightly above the level of a 1080ti (think 10-20% performance gains) with the 1180ti being the actual card you would want to upgrade to whenever that comes out in the next 1-3 years post 11 series release.
Just a note: I am completely looking into my crystal ball here in terms of the future. Who knows, maybe the 11 series cards will be released next month, be 40-50% faster than a 1080ti, and maybe mini-led monitors will be announced and actually released next January.
I am of firm belief however that if you have a really really good GPU already, it's a crying shame to have it drive a mediocre monitor.
06-26-2018 08:07 AM
jasonvp wrote:
- Rainbow Six Siege is quite challenging to keep a triple-digit frame rate in 4K. I always turn AA and AO off because: who needs them? But even with those off and a few of the other details lowered away from the top setting, I'm having some difficulty with Siege. It's a very old and unoptimized engine and I don't ever expect that to change.
- Battlefield 1 is, on the other hand, easy-mode to get into 4K. I have everything pinned to "Ultra" except AA and AO (again). I also have a soft-limit of 140FPS to keep the panel in its GSync sweet spot. In just about every case, BF1 just happily pins itself right to 140FPS and off I go. It's beautiful!
07-03-2018 02:36 PM
07-03-2018 04:44 PM
07-04-2018 09:02 AM
ChuckTom wrote:
I just have to add that finally picked one these up last Wednesday and I could not be happier with it. I dont notice the fan at all and the quality of everything is fantastic. I am glad I went with this instead of a 1440p monitor.... I played battlefield one just for a short while so far and I could feel my enjoyment and confidence quadruple coming from a 1080p montior..it was insane like looking through a window into an alternate reality. If I wanted to focus on something far away, I really could focus.......
07-05-2018 05:34 PM
Psycrow wrote:
is the 1080 ti enough ?