Hi All,
I need a kvm for this monitor. The two devices I want to use the kvm with are my macbook air (with a thunderbolt displayport) and my pc, which runs a GTX 980 gfx card. I had looked at several options and settled on this:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003OCRWCK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00It supports the resolution I want, but not the refresh rate, which I'm not too bothered about. I bought this the other day, but couldn't get it to work. I tested the various cables with the monitor and gfx card alone just to make sure the cables were working. I also tried to connect the KVM and cables to the monitor in different orders (I guessed that the sequence of steps is important, i.e. switch all machine, connect display port cables to kvm, etc). However, none of that worked. I'm probably going to give this back.
I've used KVMs in the past and never had this kind of problem before, so I'm surprised this has happened.
Does anyone have any experience with using a KVM with this monitor? Can anyone recommend one to me for this monitor and gfx combo?