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PG42UQ strange problems black screen/freeze screen randomly

Level 7
on firmware .31 got random black screen in the middle of game will not turn back on until i unplug power and replug. also had a random screen freeze in the middle of a game. and could not turn off or anything until i unpled. this all happen on overlock off @ 120 mhz since 138 mhz would not even wake up the screen sometimes when it goes to sleep.
also my rog logo randomly turned green looked in the manual but didnt see anything anout green logo not sure what does that mean?
hope they fix all these problem on the next firmware update or will have to return this monitor.
142 REPLIES 142

Level 9
I have been in contact with Asus support and they never heard about the issue, or that's what they wanted me to believe. They told me to try a hdmi 2.1 cable instead of displayport because their guess was that it is bandwidth related. I don't buy that.,. It happens in every hz and every bitrate. It could be a combo between nvidias DSC and the monitors interface to integrate it. But I don't know. . They told me to RMA it

Level 11
That's low level support doing what low level support does. It has nothing to do with cables and everything to do with with the team writing the firmware not knowing their ass from their elbow. I'm very frustrated to have this display for six months with these glaring issues. The LG CX48 I've had for two years before this never had firmware botched as badly as this.

Same problem here on the 48 with firmware 25. I set up a timer to confirm it and it triggers at exactly 4 hours of run time, and then takes 6 mins until you can power cycle it off and on with the remote. Based on the spot on timing, I'm 90% sure it's doing a forced pixel refresh but without any warning, and without turning back on after. Would be nice to see any acknowledgement of the issue from their side other than - try a different cable.

Level 9
I've noticed if I hammering down on alt Tab or /win key it will reboot itself and you will be back in the game much faster then crawling under the desk and unplug the power. And yes, asus is one of the worst when it comes to "damage control" say nothing, know nothing, promise nothing, send the consumer to RMA department.

CuRSeDGaMInG wrote:
I've noticed if I hammering down on alt Tab or /win key it will reboot itself and you will be back in the game much faster then crawling under the desk and unplug the power. And yes, asus is one of the worst when it comes to "damage control" say nothing, know nothing, promise nothing, send the consumer to RMA department.

I've got to try this. Will follow up on this.

I'm also using it connected to a MB pro so I'll see if I can force it there too.

Problem still occuring with the recently uploaded V026 firmware

Just wanted to plus 1 that it's still happening here too on V026. Super annoying, I could send it back but that would mean more than likely months of no screen while they fix nothing.

Yep, still happening here with V026

I've been doing testing on mine for the last few days and have some results. It would be great if someone else who has the same problem could run the same tests and see if they can replicate my results.

Not sure if this did anything but I did a factory reset and am running V026 Firmware. Not using HDR and have a user colour profile with Uniform Brightness on and Brightness set to 100.

Test 1 - Screen left on standby while PC is off. Turn PC on and after exactly 4 hours of use it forces pixel refresh. Screen needs to be turned off with the remote after being unresponsive for 6 mins then back on again.

Test 2 - Screen left on standby while PC is off. Turn PC on, but before using it for anything, go into menu and force pixel refresh. Come back after the 6 mins and the screen is back on. Screen does not trigger forced refresh after 4 hours from doing this. I ran the screen all night, after 8 hours I received the notification to run pixel refresh, but it did not force it to happen for 10+ hours of use.

Test 3 - Screen off overnight using the remote rather than on standby. Turned PC on and have been using it for 5 and a half hours at this point with no forced pixel refresh cycle and no message. I'll be using it for another 8 hours roughly tonight so I will report back with any changes.

But... I think it might just be a matter of turning it off rather than leaving it on standby. If anyone else can check theirs, that would be great.