Really like the smoothness and colors on my new 240Hz screen, but can now and then see areas of large pixels, like a grid of pixels, when moving around, but not when standing still. It's almost like the pixels "freeze" for a micro-second. Anyway to fix this? Or is there something wrong with the screen? Read reviews about the monitor but not seen anybody complain about large pixels or seeing grid areas of pixels.
Played Guild Wars 2 in a huge boss fight with many players, probably pushing my 6700k (4.6 oc) beyond it limits, and then the whole screen almost froze completely and could see its entire grid of pixels.
When the screen is all black, right before it turns off completely, one can also see a 4-5 mm border of backlightning at the edges and some backlightning one third into the screen from the left, an area about 15-20 high. Is this normal?
Have gsync set to full screen and refresh rate to 240Hz in Nvidia control panel. Vsync off in games, but on in Nvidia control panel. Tried with RivaTuner set to 238Hz, but then uninstalled it. The screen itself is set to 50 % brightness, 60-80% contrast, gamma 2.2, OD normal, dark boost none, no blue light filter, and Racing as GameVisual. Grid areas of pixels occured less often after changing GameVisual to Racing.
Finally, just got a new Steam controller today, using gyro to aim, but it stutters a lot in a game like Rise of the Tomb Raider, while my Xbox Elite controller is totally smooth, so is there a conflict between gsync and the Steam controller?
Gigabyte 1070 mini
i7 6700K 4.6 oc
Samsung 850 Pro 500 gb ssd (half full)
16 gb ram
Maximus VIII Impact Z170 mITX.