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03:29 AM
08-06-2014 06:46 AM
NavasC wrote:
Question - if i have two monitors that are NOT DP (one is DVI, one is HDMI) that i want to use as multitasking monitors, all plugged into one card, I can still get SLI performance on the DP monitor?
MarshallR@ASUS wrote:
Yes, but as far as I know you have to disable the second monitor to be able to enable GSync for gaming. Since GSync has to run full screen you can't have one monitor running GSync and another 'normal'. Then your single GSync monitor will take advantage of SLI.
08-06-2014 06:48 PM
icikk wrote:
Are you sure about this? He meant he will use other monitors only for desktop usage and gsync will have fullscreen for games. I would really like to try it but since my PG278Q arrived i was unable to play anything 🙂 http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?50232-PG278Q-Nvidia-driver-340.52-WHQL-issues&p=425488#post...
08-07-2014 02:30 PM
MarshallR@ASUS wrote:
No, because Windows counts 'full screen' as the entire viewable desktop. Whether that's over 1 display or multiple is not considered in when rendering the desktop. To have 'half' the desktop viewable on another monitor would be considered 'windowed mode' and GSync won't run.
Is your TV turned on? I honestly don't know how you run GSync with it connected. Technically that should not work.
08-07-2014 06:49 PM
NavasC wrote:
If it's running in "Windowed" or "Windowed Borderless" however it states "Normal at 144 Hz" which I would take to mean GSYNC is not enabled in this set up.
08-09-2014 01:08 PM
MarshallR@ASUS wrote:
No, because Windows counts 'full screen' as the entire viewable desktop. Whether that's over 1 display or multiple is not considered in when rendering the desktop. To have 'half' the desktop viewable on another monitor would be considered 'windowed mode' and GSync won't run.
Is your TV turned on? I honestly don't know how you run GSync with it connected. Technically that should not work.
08-06-2014 08:52 AM
08-23-2014 01:27 PM
08-23-2014 01:36 PM
Lunoc wrote:
Hello ,
Win 8.1 , Hero IV Motherboard , GTX 780 and PG278Q here ... works wonderfull in all Mod`s with one Display
in 1440p @ 144hz and gsync is really a adventure .
...so my "problem" is, i have 3x PG278Q here, after buying today Adapter 5 and 6 wat also dont work like the others before i need a bit help.
What i need to bring all 3 Displays to work ? Graphiccard only has one DPport
...sooo do i need 2 special Adapters ? wich ones.. ? ... do i need 2 or 3 Graphiccards ? ,,,
atm it would be great if they run in 2D 60hz, 120hz or 144hz in Nvidia Surround, gsync atm dont work in tripple .. iknow ,
Thank u for answer and greetz from switzerland
03-01-2015 05:09 PM
MarshallR@ASUS wrote:
Nvidia is preparing a future driver update to support Surround G-Sync (multiple monitors) with (Tri-)SLI. This is just a heads up (read: I can't comment further) for fans looking at buying multiple PGs that it is being worked on, and Nvidia will communicate this fully in their own time. Keep an eye on future betas change-log.
Basically - right now - you currently get 1 output per card. If you are only running 1 display then you get 2/3/4-way. If you need more outputs you have to turn off SLI. But this will change..