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Backlight bleed on Pg348Q

Level 9
Hi there,

Before i start off i have already sen't a e-mail to the retail seller aswel as to asus, but since there office is closed during the weekend i thought to my self, let's make a post on the forum and see what "other people" think and experience regarding this isseu!
So i own a PG348Q for 4 days now, this isn't my first IPS monitor but the first with this amount of Blb (back light bleeding) and this is the firstmonitor where Blb is a isseu in IRL during multiple tasks.
When i watch movies/video that are not 21:9 but are 16:9 you hev these 2 black bars on either side of the video, during the video i can cleary see "bright" spots in all corners in the lower left corner is the most annoying is cleary visible, i can kinda live with this isseu is it only occured during this scenario but unfortunitly it doens't!
While playing games (like Metro 2505 or Metro last light) or any "dark" game or during a dark "segment" the Blb is also visible in all 4 corners of the screen...
Now like i said about before i know this is a IPS isseu that hase been going around since IPS came on the market.
My previous monitor (also IPS) also sufferd from Blb but i never noticed it in any of the scenation described above, and since this is a PREMIUM monitor with a Premium price tag i find it hard to ignore the problem and even harder to say it is ok!

Before i purchase this monitor i did my rescearch and yes i read multiple people suffered from it, though not everyone complains about it so i rolled the dice on this moitor.
Now i would like know what other people think about the amound of BLB i have with this monitor, is "normal" or do you think this is to much Blb !?
See atatched foto's

Thanks in advance

Edit: During game play (metro last light) in dark envirements i notice a "yellow" "spot" in the upper left corner en the lower left corner when those area's need to be pitch black.
The spot is amount the same size as you can see on the pictures below!
I have contacted Asus aswel as the retail shop where i purchase the monitor and hop that they will exchange this one for a other one, if not then i will sen't the monitor back and get my money back and i wil reoder the monitor at a different store!
I will keep you posted when i recieve a other monitor (wheter through exchanse or re purchasing it) and let you know how the backlight is on the other panel!

Level 9
In the mean time i have returned the monitor to the store i purchased it from.
They told me the Backlight bleeding was considerd to be defect and so i returned to monitor and let them refund it (i don't feel like going into the whole RMA buisnes, and in my experiance the problem won't be solved with a simple repair).
Besides the Back light bleeding i also noticed the monitor sufferd from quite some IPS glow, i know it's part of IPS technology but this is the worst i have ever seen! I own more then 4 IPS monitors they cost around 200,- euro's this one BY FAR sufferd the most from IPS glow and that for a premium monitor with a premium price!
Before i returned the monitor i also contact Asus support, and i recieved a dis concerning e-mail back regarding this isseu!

"Of course not, ASUS has higher quality control standards than other competitors. Since the beginning of December 2015, we’ve took additional measures to further tighten our quality control for the PG348Q . As mentioned before, with the current IPS technology for high specification panels, it’s not possible to have a panel completely free of any backlight bleeding. In addition, each person will have a different tolerance of what is acceptable and what is not, so therefore the backlight bleeding issue is heavily based on individual perception and will be measured and assessed differently for every person."

So they admit these monitors suffer from (in my opinion) major panel problems!
I just wanted to tell you all this for those who are considering to purchase this monitor, be aware of theses isseus!

Level 10
The monitor you owned is certainly very bad.

I have seen quite a few PG348Qs and your one is certainly one of the worst backlight bleeding cases that I've seen too.

IPS panels are finnicky and you may get various levels of bleeding, that's just how it is - if it's too bad, replace it and hope the next one is better.

Level 12
I would agree^

I have the PG348Q and I too have some very light bleed. But it is really pretty subtle. Not at all like the OP. That's nasty. I'm not sure of the rate these monitors see that level of bleed, but between a few of my friends with this monitor, the bleed is pretty light. I think for sure an exchange was in order for the OP.