I've had subject laptop for a number of years now. While it's still *fairly* decent, the onboard GTX560M is showing it's age when it comes to some newer game titles recently, or on the cusp of being, released. Over its time I've maxed out the ram (16GB), added 512GB SSDs, and upgraded the wifi card. It's no slouch. Aside from the video card the only other issue I have with it is the keyboard can be problematic at times when it comes to keystroke lag. I've looked for BIOS updates and other slutions to no avail.
The other day I was in my local comp shop and a 'new' ASUS caught my eye: G752VY ( the 'vy' I think). I like the look of it and specs seem on par with the G74 but of course it has newer chipsets, Skylake, different SSD form factor, and what I think is a pretty good GTX970M gpu.
So what do you think fellow ROG owners? Would a complete laptop upgrade be worth it or is there something on the horizon I should be on the lookout for?
Games on laptop playing of late: Cities: Skylines, Homeworld Remastered & Deserts of Kharak, Skyrim.
Also use it for 3D design (Lightwave, Unity, CAD).
G74SX-DH71 | + 256GB Crucial M4 SSD , 16GB DDR3 SDRAM, Intel Centrino 6230 WiFi, Win 8 Pro
Peripherals: Steelseries Ikari laser mouse, Razer Ferox speakers, Audioengine D1 dac, Shure SRH840 headphones