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Worst Warranty experience ever!! Don't buy any Asus products!!

Level 7
Dear all,

Asus Malaysia's after sales and warranty service is teasing me up to the extend I no longer able to tolerate anymore!!

Asus is the 1st brand that really annoy's me with their deep **** after sales service until I am forced to made my 1st complaint in this forum:

After I post my complaint here, finally I received their e-mail reply saying that I can collect my machine.

Today I made the trip to the service center to collect my machine.
When they took out the machine, I was shocked!!!!!
1. The machine is NOT properly protected.
2. The machine outer casing is extremely dirty, covered with human hand oil all over the place.
3. Opened up the machine, the screen is filled with thick human hand oil and finger prints.
4. The key board is filled with dust and dirt and finger prints.
5. The right hand side machine casing is buckling.
Then I tried to switch on my laptop, NOTHING TURNs ON!!!! MY LAPTOP's PROBLEM STILL NOT RESOLVED!!!!
This is what I said in my 1st post above, Asus Malaysia totally has NO CONTROL over their service quality.
This is the results of using outsourced 3rd party service tech and all of them are NOT proper professionals to handle Asus products.

This is the highest end laptop Asus ever offered in Malaysia in Dec 2013.

How do you feel when you see the laptop is such deep **** condition after sending into Asus Malaysia's official service center for warranty??? My heart is so painful when I see it like this!!! I almost wanna cry.

I am an engineer. By judging such lousy workmanship from Asus, I am very sure the internal board and electronic parts are seriously contaminate with finger prints, oil, dust and dirt. These containment will eventually damage the laptop and affecting it's performance.
I have no confident that my laptop able to maintain its performance at all.
I just owned this laptop for 6 months and Asus Malaysia destroyed it!!!!

Do you know how disappointed I am?
This is my 1st Asus ROG laptop in my life.
I have been following up with this forum for over 6 months before I decided to try Asus ROG.
Immediately, Asus Malaysia destroy me with this kind of rubbish after sales service and warranty service.
Asus Malaysia left me alone here, helplessly suffering.
The most painful part is all these humiliations comes directly from Official Asus service center in Malaysia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until today, I totally cannot find any channel to circulate my complaints to Asus Malaysia's management or even Asustek Taiwan.
No one from the service center willing to help.

Asus treat customers like ****!
I really regretted my decision on Asus.

Who ever wanna buy Asus products, please think twice before you make any decisions.
Once decisions made, you will not able to circulate your problem to any Asus management anywhere in the world.

Asus service center: Lot 4-010, Level 4, Plaza Low Yat No.7, Jalan Bukit Bintang Off Jalan Bukit Bintang Central, 55100, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Asus Service Center contact number: +603-21100842 (I made 20 to 30 calls everyday, no one even bother to pick up....!!)
Laptop Model: G750JX
Serial number: *** Edited by cl-Albert *** (Its inside Asus System)
Service Number: *** Edited by cl-Albert ***
Service file date: 14 May 2014
Service Manager: Ms. Stefanie (She don't even bother to speak with me when I made my complaint at the service center today!)

Level 12
JazJazJaz79, that is certainly disappointing...

Did you leave it there to complete the repair? Or did you/they get it working?

Dear hmscott,

Thank you for your reply.

I left there since 14 May 2014. I'll scan my service form and post it here tomorrow evening.
I never took back my laptop since 14 May 2014.
They are unable to get it working today.
It is because they don't have any in-house technicians at all.
Entire after sales and warranty is outsourced to 3rd party service tech.
I have to leave my laptop there again today and they gave me new service number as per noted above.
I am very very disappointed when they took out my unit.
They don't even bother to put my laptop into a protective cover / box / packet.
This clearly shows that they never handle my machine with care.
I did visited 1 of their 3rd party service tech located 2 level below this service center.
They just simply slot all the laptop into a cardboard without any protection. All of them just stag there.
Honestly I am very very angry with Asus Malaysia and the way they handle after sales service and warranty.
Their service call center sucks! Totally no commitment, no responsibility, not able to give me clear update on my laptop status.
They have no clear idea what is the problem with my laptop and they cannot let me know what kind of solutions / countermeasures to rectify the problem. All they can say is sorry sorry and I don't know.
They can't even tell me when can the unit ready. Just keep telling me to wait.
The service center is even worst. I got the number but never able to call in at all.
I made 20 - 30 calls everyday hoping someone can update me the warranty status.
What I get is the phone keep ringing and ringing and not even anyone bother to pick up the bloody phone.
If you were in my shoes, what will be your feeling? Frustrated, right?
I even put up complaint mails via Asus's service sites, but not getting proper respond from Asus.
I don't scream, they don't even bother to call me and update me my warranty status.

I really want to circulate this complaint to Asus HQ in Taiwan.
I am just one of the very annoyed customer.
Today there were another 2 more customers before me scolding the staff there as they still couldn't get their laptop back after 1 month plus with the service center.

The product has no problem. It is Asus's management problem.
It is the very core of the management structure that screw up all the customers in Malaysia.
To my point of view, Asus just want to con money from the consumers. They have no interest in taking care both the brand and customers.

World class machine + **** up after sales service = total rubbish.

JazJazJaz79 wrote:
Dear hmscott,
Thank you for your reply...

JazJazJaz79, I think I would want a replacement laptop, and let them figure out how to repair / refurbish the broken laptop on their time. You have waited long enough, and it sounds like so have other people. It is a situation where the reputation of Asus in your area is in need of repair.

Have you been using the Technical Inquiry email portal? Register a login here, register your laptop, and file a Technical Inquiry email, or have you already done that?

If you purchased the laptop from that same shop, they should make it good and give you a replacement laptop. Or, did you purchase from another dealer locally? Either way that warranty service isn't what is expected, and you need to be put back in service with a fixed or replacement laptop quickly.

Keep us informed as to the progress. 🙂

Yes, I have registered my machine with them with VIP status.
Yes, I have put up multiple complaints via the link you posted here.
I only receive 2 respond from them, that's all, and 1 of them was posted above after I made my complaint here.
I did ask for a replacement laptop, but they said they don't have such practice.
It is true also as all my games and work software are installed in my laptop. it will be very little use for them to give me a replacement.
I purchased the laptop from a local reseller. Reason being is this reseller will help me to install additionas SSD and ram.
I am kind of worry whether my addon parts still locate inside my laptop since the machine is NOT service by Asus themselves.
Asus Malaysia is the official dealer in Malaysia. All the resellers have to take the machine from them.
In Malaysia, once we purchased the laptop, we are on our own.
The shop will not responsible on our purchase anymore and all issues have to refer back to Asus Malaysia ourselves.
My frustration here is this problem is caused by Asus Malaysia which is the sole distributor who represents Asus.
If they as Asus principle in Malaysia treat customer this way, what backup we can get?
Who else we can turn to?
Who else can look into my case?
Will Asus global take action to support us?
The answer here is NO. I totally cannot find any contact from any Asus global sites to circulate my case up.
I have no choice but to post up my complaint here and hope that Asus global management able to know how **** up Asus Malaysia is and how they are killing the brand here.
In the end, I have to forge out extra money to buy a new laptop for my work, while waiting for G750JX to be repaired.

US Customer Loyalty Agent
JazJazJaz79 wrote:
Dear hmscott,

Thank you for your reply.

I left there since 14 May 2014. I'll scan my service form and post it here tomorrow evening.
I never took back my laptop since 14 May 2014.
They are unable to get it working today.
It is because they don't have any in-house technicians at all.
Entire after sales and warranty is outsourced to 3rd party service tech.
I have to leave my laptop there again today and they gave me new service number as per noted above.
I am very very disappointed when they took out my unit.
They don't even bother to put my laptop into a protective cover / box / packet.
This clearly shows that they never handle my machine with care.
I did visited 1 of their 3rd party service tech located 2 level below this service center.
They just simply slot all the laptop into a cardboard without any protection. All of them just stag there.
Honestly I am very very angry with Asus Malaysia and the way they handle after sales service and warranty.
Their service call center sucks! Totally no commitment, no responsibility, not able to give me clear update on my laptop status.
They have no clear idea what is the problem with my laptop and they cannot let me know what kind of solutions / countermeasures to rectify the problem. All they can say is sorry sorry and I don't know.
They can't even tell me when can the unit ready. Just keep telling me to wait.
The service center is even worst. I got the number but never able to call in at all.
I made 20 - 30 calls everyday hoping someone can update me the warranty status.
What I get is the phone keep ringing and ringing and not even anyone bother to pick up the bloody phone.
If you were in my shoes, what will be your feeling? Frustrated, right?
I even put up complaint mails via Asus's service sites, but not getting proper respond from Asus.
I don't scream, they don't even bother to call me and update me my warranty status.

I really want to circulate this complaint to Asus HQ in Taiwan.
I am just one of the very annoyed customer.
Today there were another 2 more customers before me scolding the staff there as they still couldn't get their laptop back after 1 month plus with the service center.

The product has no problem. It is Asus's management problem.
It is the very core of the management structure that screw up all the customers in Malaysia.
To my point of view, Asus just want to con money from the consumers. They have no interest in taking care both the brand and customers.

World class machine + **** up after sales service = total rubbish.

@JazJazJaz79, sorry to hear that repair has not gone better.

I'm located at an ASUS U.S. office, but if you still have a pending rma, feel free to send me a PM at cl-Albert and I can ask our overseas office to keep an eye on it. If necessary, you may want to continue pursuing other options to resolve this issue though since I may be rather limited in how much I will be able to help from my end, but hopefully it will be enough.

Also, I've edited your serial number and rma number to protect your privacy.

Level 12
JazJazJaz79, we have consumer protections here in the US, and it looks like in Malaysia you have similar protections, as of 1999

Act 599

And, provides a mechanism and Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia to File Complaints for Action

That is the english portal, so I can read it, but I am sure you can dig in and get what you need.

Here are some more links from google search "malaysia consumer protection act":

Good reading, and be sure and pursue this so you get satisfaction through Asus. Perhaps you have a friend or relative that can help you get through the legal requirements, and perhaps another connection through University or Work that can help.

I am sure Asus Corporate will work to help you out, but it is good to be prepared so they know you are serious about collecting what is due you as spelled out in their Warranty and in your Malaysian Consumer Protection Act.

Keep us informed!

Dear hmscott,

Thanks for sharing these link here.
I'll read them through.
Will keep the progress posted here.

JazJazJaz79 wrote:
Dear hmscott,

Thanks for sharing these link here.
I'll read them through.
Will keep the progress posted here.

JazJazJaz79, maybe the Consumer Protection office will be able to contact the Asus Service Center to encourage them to get your situation resolved before needing to file a formal complaint?

Keep us posted!

Another huge disappointment from Asus Malaysia's Service center!!!
My problem is NOT resolved!!!

I received a call from Asus Malaysia called Alvin_J. He informed me to collect my machine today.
So I arranged my time and drop by Asus Service center today at 1:30pm.
Waited for over 1-1/2 hours, finally my machine is out.
Switched on the machine, immediately disappointed on the spot.
There is a very very clear dark shadow on the top left hand corner of the screen!!!
It is so damn clear even can see clearly with my hand-phone camera.

Questioned the person at desk WTF is this.
He told me they have changed the screen, connector, motherboard, and HDD board (WTF its going to do with the screen @@??) etc etc.
But I ask him why still got such screen defects on my unit?
He totally cannot answer.
The most interesting part is, he replied me: Sir, I don't know. I don't do service on your machine. Its done by 3rd party technicians. I cannot do anything. You have to leave your machine here...
So ended up I have to leave my machine with Asus AGAIN!!!!!! and don't know when can I get my machine back.

Judging above condition it is very clear that Asus Malaysia Service Center:
1. Has TOTALLY NO CONTROL over all their out sourced 3rd party service technicians.
2. Has TOTALLY NO CONTROL over warranty and service quality.
3. Never do any checking onto the machine before returning to customers.
4. Have no ****ing clue what is the problem on my machine.
5. All the out-sourced 3rd party technicians are NOT properly trained and NOT QUALIFIED to handle / service Asus products.
6. Is leaving all these problems running wild without any countermeasures.
This case also shows that Asus Global:
1. Has NO CONTROL over product parts quality.
2. Parts quality are not properly checked before export.
3. Totally NO CONTROL over supplier's supply quality.
I start to doubt is Asus even take quality seriously in their production or just simply assemble the machine without any proper QC check.
Is all the test they mentioned inside Asus website are strictly for marketing purpose only without practicing it in reality???

Almost 1 month and my machine is still not repaired properly.
Problem after problem, 1 problem leads to another, its like never ending story.
I start to think is my unit going to stay at service center for ever, repairs after repairs???
How many times I need to make my trip to Asus Service center??? Each trip will take me 1 hour drive, not to mentions hours of waiting at the service center...
What else Asus can do to resolve my problem? Are you gonna send your trained technician from Taiwan to Malaysia to repair my machine???

The machine casing is using clip / hook technology. This kind of structure has very limited service life. After few times of opening, the clips and hook will eventually break apart. I am very worry on my machine's mechanical casing. I don't know will it able to hold any longer as my machine have to suffer many more times of opening...

Honestly I am very very very very very very disappointed with Asus.
Your product not only poor in build and parts quality, your service quality is the worst I ever encounter.

I don't wanna bring this to Consumer Protection Office. Once I go there, it will be a court case against Asus!!!