The Intel AC-7260 card arrived ripped the keyboard off,removed the old card and noticed that the old card ,all the contact pins were allocated,the Intel card had a number of the pins blank.........Ahh nevermind I thought and screwed it in,replaced the keyboard pressed the power button.........nothing............off with the keyboard again..... put in the old card and away she went......hmmmmmmmmm ...ok one more try with the new card and still no power so gave up and fitted the old card.Have rang Asus here in Thailand and they are going to get back to me regarding the correct card number.Why isn't anything straight forward with computers.Cannot work out why it wouldn't power on, all I can assume is the card must have certain pin config to allow power to flow thru,maybe I should have tried to power it on with no wireless card to see what happened... Ohh well back to the drawing board ..........Dino