HomieOC wrote:
G750JZ with I7 4700 2.4 ghz, and 880m 4 gb vram
I haven't worked with a JZ yet, and not many reports are in yet, so I can't say whether that is normal or not.
When I push my G750JH GTX780m to 100% utilization, I see 89c. Normal gaming use I see 65c-75c.
But gaming temperature readings are variable depending on the game intensity and playing intensity, it is better to get a benchmark that heats things up to a measurable load utilization and a consistent re-createable level and then you can run that test on other machines and compare.
Let's try Furmark:
http://www.geeks3d.com/20140313/furmark-1-13-0-download-gpu-burn-in-stress-test-opengl/The newest Furmark interferes with the Asus GPU Tweak tool monitoring, so I switched to the Built-in GPU Shark monitoring with Furmark.
Here are the results of about 5 minutes of a 15 minute run on "Burn-in benchmark 1920x1080 15min", while also running CUDA processes, to get the utilization up to 99%, The GTX780 is OC'd to 932/6250
I get the same 89c max temp, at stock speeds, without any additional CUDA jobs running:
I quit and restarted Furmark and GPU Shark between runs to reset the max/min readings.
What do you get when you do the same on the JZ?
Two runs, a Furmark run at stock speed, and a Furmark run OC'd through Asus GPU Tweak Tool for Laptops would be nice - and what values for GPU/memory speed shown in GPU Shark. I use built-in Windows 8.x Snipping Tool to grab dialog shots.