M2 and M2.5 are the bits needed to screw them on/off, no? Whichever screwdriver bit is the perfect fit would be the one you should use. They sort of look like stubby 8-32 roundheads, but it's hard to tell scale on your pic. If you have a decent caliper/gauge you can measure the thread sizes and figure out what they are online.
You can take your screws to a manufacturer/distributor which specializes in screws and fasteners, they could identify exact matches from your samples, but chances are you'd need to order some sort of bulk lot and end up with 9996 extra laptop screws. Any precision machine shop could replicate screws (and even adjust them to spec, if desired) but the per-screw costs on a small run would be stupidly overpriced.
Your best bet is probably to just get Asus to sell you some screws, they used to sometimes offer kits. Laptop service places might also have access to the pieces you need, for nominal cost. Your next best bet is to cannibalize and hoard every screw you can extract from dead laptops.
You might be able to use too-short screws in places, along with some threadlocking adhesive. I've heard of people reworking entire laptops, tapping out every hole so all the screws are uniform (and look pretty), I've seen units where guys have applied rivets or welds instead. Modifying the original equipment/design can sometimes make subsequent work difficult, lol.
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