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What's wrong with my CPU?! anyone help!

Level 7
can anyone tell me what's the reason for this, seems dat my CPU didn't achieve d target value on d tests i did
here is the link for 3mark vantage
here is the link for 3dmark 11
both tests gve d same probs (which is CPU)
am so sad rite now

Level 18
welcome dxboyZ...... how about running us some specs on your rig.... what cpu for example.. board? ram? ect....

any return time left on that cpu ?? intel/amd? ........... cpu's have there own warranty.. to be what is claimed.
relax a minute... and lets see if someone else sees something in the hardware profile when you post it....

Malaysia ??? At least you have great scenery ... hahaa... lets get you ROG'n.c.

Level 7
G53SX BIOS ver. 205
12GB 1033 RAM
Intel i7-2670 @2.20 GHz
bought on 1/1/2012

maybe i'll go 2 d service center dis coming tuesday, but yeah any suggestion must appreciate ^^

dxboyz6146 wrote:
G53SX BIOS ver. 205
12GB 1033 RAM
Intel i7-2670 @2.20 GHz
bought on 1/1/2012

maybe i'll go 2 d service center dis coming tuesday, but yeah any suggestion must appreciate ^^

Yeah, I was going to point out that those specs are available in the 3dmark benchmarks.

I wouldn't worry just yet. Try running the benchmarks with ThrottleStop installed and running.

Also try going to the Nvidia Control Panel and explicitly setting PhysX to CPU.
Core i7 2630M
Gtx 460m

Level 7
FYI, am using ThrottleStop 4.0, besides i've done d test without using dat apps, not much different, after using it cause jz a bit increase, n d link above was d latest test i did wif proper ThrottleStop setting and close all apps including anti-virus, still no different n CPU cant achieve d target value

i've done dat also, the result a bit low, n CPU scored lower

dxboyz6146 wrote:
FYI, am using ThrottleStop 4.0, besides i've done d test without using dat apps, not much different, after using it cause jz a bit increase, n d link above was d latest test i did wif proper ThrottleStop setting and close all apps including anti-virus, still no different n CPU cant achieve d target value

i've done dat also, the result a bit low, n CPU scored lower

I see. I went through a run of 3dmark and got this score:

Have you made sure your chipset drivers are up to date? That maximum processesor clock is low. Although it is reported at 2.6, it should be closer to 3.1. Make sure power settings are high performance.

Btw, those are some impressive scores for the 2gb 560m!
Core i7 2630M
Gtx 460m

Level 7
i kept all ma drivers up to date,
also i do monitor ma CPU i set the multiplier to Turbo n 4 dat ma CPU dun hve probs running avrage 2.9GHz
like always all setting at high performance still the CPU can't achieve the target value, Y.Y

dxboyz6146 wrote:
i kept all ma drivers up to date,
also i do monitor ma CPU i set the multiplier to Turbo n 4 dat ma CPU dun hve probs running avrage 2.9GHz
like always all setting at high performance still the CPU can't achieve the target value, Y.Y

Sorry lol. I redid the test and my CPU didn't as well.

What about additional programs that are running? Could they be hogging performance?
Core i7 2630M
Gtx 460m

Level 7
when am running d test i did closed all apps n even there's no any USB plug-in
closed d firewall n anti-virus still no difference
ma cpu supposed to achieve more than 6000 but i only get 4xxx, not even pass the minimal =="
while others can simply scored more than that *sigh* am a bit sad cz i dunno wat's wrong wif ma CPU