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What kind of SSD in G750?

Level 7
Hi! I was trying to find out what type of SSD they use in the ASUS G750JH but can't find info about it anywhere.
Anyone know?

Level 14
Samsung 840 pro 256 GB, seems to be the hottest item presently, Intel 520 are good Samsung 830 and 840 are good if you want to save money over speed and warranty length
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 13
Boddit wrote:
Hi! I was trying to find out what type of SSD they use in the ASUS G750JH but can't find info about it anywhere.
Anyone know?

i think we can only find that out after the laptop is out. it might be liteon/plextor like past models. i hope for samsung but chances are rare.

i just hope it's not what they have reported about putting m.2 ssd's in a sata converter. that's just sad.

Level 7
I checked mine and it is LITEONIT LCM-256M3S

Level 7
Okay, thanks for your answers! I guess I have to check when it's here, I've ordered one. 🙂

Level 7
I have a Corsair Neutron SSD and from cold boot it takes 8 seconds to be fully into windows.

Level 7
Up on that ... question is what is the type of SSD Asus puts in the G750JX (not what is the best option for self putting). Some of the models come with a prebuild SSD !

yes mine came with See my Signature, however most brands work well in these notebooks, it seems the Samsung 840 pro it top dog presently
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 9
I dont see why anyone would want to pay 250 more euros for a bad ssd, the headache of reinstalling the OS isnt worth more than 20 euro IMO. I also get a better ssd paying less. Weird.

Level 9
Even samsung 840 basic is better. Its about 130 euro atm. pro is overkill on something that probably wont last more than three years and it gives some performance advantage, but will you ever notice it over basic? no you wont. ten seconds less transfering your entire movie collection to your laptop worth 120 euro? Not in my book. Once its done you get the exact same performance in games etc.

PS: I find ssds annoying because I dont get to read the loading tips. I i read you can do BAM its done. Some of that is vital information.

Using a samsung 840 basic 250 gb as OS drive. I have a pro version in my desktop and I cant tell the differance.