03:55 PM
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07:40 PM
08-07-2012 05:11 PM
08-07-2012 05:57 PM
08-07-2012 09:41 PM
cl-scott wrote:
There's a fine line between airing a legitimate grievance and being a jerk. That line is that you don't need to be rude to air a grievance.
08-07-2012 08:37 PM
08-08-2012 07:00 AM
08-08-2012 11:28 AM
08-09-2012 08:13 PM
Mirage wrote:
Lines, because after 3 total RMA's (The first one actually did something but that was back for a dead GPU, but who knows maybe the cause is something on the GPU again) I am getting fed up enough to wish I was in california to go beat the support techs with my still failing laptop.
Seriously, is there ANY official ASUS people on this forum that are even remotely useful?
08-10-2012 11:53 AM
TheGongshow wrote:
Don't buy an Asus?
Sorry to Marshall and the other Asus folks on here who have to try and keep things civil but honestly, their support is horrid.
I've heard that they have ONE tech working on all of these laptops in California. That is insane.
08-11-2012 08:04 AM
cl-scott wrote:
One good tech can honestly do a surprising amount. I will again keep the name to myself to protect the guilty, but I was more or less the lone Apple tech for about half of a national retail chain for about 2 years, and I managed it pretty well if I do say so myself. I had an average of around 20 units/week, which may not sound like a lot, but those repairs could be anything from a simple HDD replacement to a top case replacement. The former taking 5-10 minutes including loading the OS off of my NetRestore server (which I had to set up myself), the latter taking 30-45 minutes because I basically had to rebuild the entire laptop. It also included my having to do cosmetic checks which went above and beyond Apple's guidelines, diagnosing problems on new units, ordering parts, and plenty of misc administrative tasks, not even counting the special tasks my former supervisors had me doing or I took on myself (like setting up a NetRestore server). There were literally conversations between my former employer's management and Apple's management about whether or not I was actually the one doing all the repairs.
So even if it were true that there was only one tech here in California, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Bigger is not always better. One really good tech can be worth several mediocre techs. Plus, they have me as a reserve second tech if they need me for that.
08-13-2012 05:27 PM
TheGongshow wrote:
Well i can tell you one thing, Scott.
Customer loyalty isn't going to be high when they buy a new 1500 dollar laptop that has a bad fan, sound that comes out of the speakers when headphones are plugged in, and a squeaky keyboard. Only to call Asus thinking everything will be ok and to be told they will have to pay more of their money to send their laptop away for weeks at a time with a chance that it may not even be repaired when they receive it back (read some of the horrifying stories on these forums about people's experience with RMAs).
While i love my laptop, i've been pretty let down by the number of small things that were overlooked and from what i've read, i have it easy. Some people opened laptops that weren't even fully assembled. I didn't have the option to return it or exchange it or else i would have.
This isn't just me, read these forums. I realize the population selection here is poor because most people come on these forums to complain but even if that's the case, this is a lot of laptops with the same problems. I consider my self an early adopter of the G55 and i've already been punished by not getting the thunderbolt option that was announced 18 days after i bought the computer.
Anyway, i doubt anything will or can be done for me now. I will suck it up and just enjoy the computer i do have in front of me. I am not fully satisfied though and i will be very very wary of ever buying an Asus again.