My 2300 dollar G75VW has been RMA'd ...only to return to its little black screen ways mere weeks after the "so called repair job". It works on external monitor, however with horizontal white broken lines across the screen. The GPU is also no where to be found in device manager and installing NVIDIA drivers obviously don't work. Tech guy at HIDevolution concluded a failed graphics card issue after a lengthy remote session, but when I sent it in for repairs earlier in the year, with the exact same problem, they "claimed" that ASUS had changed a defective motherboard,... so now I'm told GPU for the very same symptom.
So their solution was that I should send them a measly 400 bucks in return for a shiny new graphics card, since my warranty had expired, albeit, 3 months of that warranty period being spent at their repair lab. My reply to them, OBVIOUSLY, was, fuaark orrfffff. So YES, I'm pissed...and with a measly 400 bucks totally out of my reach, for the sole purpose of splurging on a shiny new GPU, I resorted to tearing my laptop down, in an effort to discover the elusive clue as to why I've lost my happy face ..."literally",.... so far all I can see is a lack of thermal compound/pads on the GPU and surrounding components...., so I'll reapply compound and rebuild to see whether my fortunes change. So far I've spent more time trying to fix this laptop than enjoying it, while my wife's 400 dollar laptop can handle almost anything you throw at it ,including coffee, juice and baby food, while my so called RIG would disintegrate to utter bits if one as much as sneezes in its general direction ....WHAT A GAMING MACHINE !.....Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated.