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Upgrade battery from 60Wh to 96Wh in G501JW

Level 7
Hi, guys!
I've bought my G501 at 2015. I've taken the one with HDD and 60Wh battery. Just because SSD model had price much more than the version with HDD and SSD as a spare part. But 96Wh battery was in the model with 4K display which wasn't sold in my country then... So, I've decided to take the one with HDD and upgrade it to SSD later. I've done it without any problems. Samsung SSD comes with migration soft that have moved all my stuff once and ever.
But all those 5 years of using I was thinking can I upgrade the battery?
I've contacted with ASUS support, but they only told that 96Wh battery has lower voltage (11.4V) and if my laptop came with 60Wh (15.2V) I must use the same to replace! I've tried to find at forums, but noone wrote that he tried and all works fine. Someone writes that all is OK, someone writes that laptop just doesn't work with new battery (with another voltage) — of course noone writes about G501 exactly!
While my laptop was working fine I didn't have a motivation to do anything more than googling and thinking should I spend 50–100$ for the new battery for experiments that could end without luck...

So last time my 60Wh battery has only 20Wh at 100% of charge. And I've decided to try to upgrade. I must buy new battery, so why not to try? And I've found the guy who bought 96Wh battery C32N1415 for him G501VW. It doesn't fit because it's for G501JW! And he was selling it just for 15$.

Well, long story short, hahaha: all is fine!
There are some moments, actually. It doesn't fit to G501JW if you had HDD. HDD mount doesn't allow to place additional battery cell. But I've cut it with the tool and cut 1 leg on the battery (look at pics). If you will do the same, you will get x1.5 bigger battery for your laptop. (Of course you must replace HDD with m.2 SSD firstly 😉 )
And don't forget to take ground stickers (with metal grid and foam) from old battery and place it to the new one
Power controller works just fine either with 11.4V and 15.2V — don't think about it!

I post just because I've not found anything like this. And now there is the answer — it will work, you can upgrade!

Pics description:
1 - HDD mount that must be cut
2 - Begin of cut
3 - Cut complete
4 - Battery leg doesn't fit
5 - Cut of the leg