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Updated Utility Driver for ROG Gaming Center Inquiry.

Level 7
Mornin' ROG citizens. Something i noticed recently when doing a clean Re-Install of Windows 10 Onto my G752VT, is when i went to download all the relevant drivers for the system, there was an Updated Driver for the ROG Gaming Center. The Description reads as such:

"Integrates gaming related settings and system status in a single app and make you control the whole gaming system efficiently."

So, i got my hands on it, and its a Little different looking and you're able to make smaller the windows itself, which is useful. However, it comes with a new function i did not see before that reads 'GPU Perf Limiter', and has attached to it the Nvidia Insignia. It's also currently set to 'POWER', and i am unable to get anything else to open as when i click on it, nothing happens.

The only clue i could find was this web page, when Translated to English, reads in the description a few times 'GPU Perf Limiter', and shows that holy grail of Gaming Laptops, the Asus ROG GX700VO:

So, my question is simply what is a GPU Perf Limiter, does it require a special utility, and where can i get it in order to take advantage of this new item on the ROG Gaming Center Menu?

Thank's in advance for any input, and Y'all stay cool.


Level 7
So, upon further insepection, i saw that the ROG Gaming Center utility had also added a little button (yes, i am very blind in not having seen it sooner), that allows for i would assume a certain extent regarding GPU Overlocking. It allows for what it considers a "Standard", "Extreme", and "Manual" Setting. The manual gives you a neat little warning about the dangers of what you're about to potentially do, and a little guide as to how to reset it if you manage to go too far. So, i consider the matter closed.

Zenthusiast wrote:
So, upon further insepection, i saw that the ROG Gaming Center utility had also added a little button (yes, i am very blind in not having seen it sooner), that allows for i would assume a certain extent regarding GPU Overlocking. It allows for what it considers a "Standard", "Extreme", and "Manual" Setting. The manual gives you a neat little warning about the dangers of what you're about to potentially do, and a little guide as to how to reset it if you manage to go too far. So, i consider the matter closed.

I'm curious as well what the CPU PERF LIMITER does... Mine currently says "UTILITY" as the status. The new ROG gaming centre also has a new option to set mode to "standard" or "extreme" but I dont see any difference in performance.

Level 7
anyone know anything I try to click on it and nothing happens

bloodyhell18 wrote:
anyone know anything I try to click on it and nothing happens

I've got this too, but mine says "Utilization". It doesn't change if I switch to battery power either.


Edit: Just checked further. On starting Gaming Center it initially shows 'Power', then changes to 'Utilization'. I removed my Framerate Limit in Nvidia Inspectore and that made no difference.

I think I may have found the answer from here.......

"This is a feature of newer NVIDIA drivers. They report back why performance is capped (reason for clocks reduced)

When you are not running a 3D app, clocks go down -> Limited by GPU Utilization

Other possible values are when the card is running into power limit, or when it's running too hot. There are also cap reasons related to voltage."

So basically it's reporting what is currently limiting the usage of your GPU in much the same way GPU-Z does.

When I pulled the power cable again with a game running, Nvidia Battery Boost kicked in and limited my FPS to 30. I then checked Gaming Center and the GPU Perf Limiter was now 'Power'.

That makes sense to me.