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Trying to do fresh install on new Solid State

Level 7
Hey all, I have a new ASUS G75VW-RS72

It comes with the 720gb HD and I added an Intel SSD 120gb to the second bay. I now want to re install windows onto the SSD.

I have a few questions about doing this.

First of all, I understand I need to keep a restore partition. Can I keep the restore partition on the 720gb HDD but keep the SSD as my primary drive for windows 7. This way I dont lose a chunk of space on it.

Either way, how do I go about doing this?

Thanks so much!

Level 9
No I dont think you can have the recovery on a different HDD, but there wont be any harm in trying to keep it there.

afaik, the recovery procedure can only be done on one physical disk.

also, as normal practice, it's better for you to put the ssd in the first bay when you restore from the recovery disks. do not put the hdd in during the process.

put the hdd into second bay when your restore is successful.

Level 7

Try the link below from Cecil.

Its complete and I used that to do my upgrade to the SSD.
Its fairly simple but you will need to have a recovery disk first.

Give it a try.