I have a G73S
G73SW = mobo
I have had it for about 3 years and I immediately added a SSD to run my OS from. Its always given me grief when booting like the drive doesn't initialize correctly about 25% of the time. So every now and then I get a BSOD and then I have to go into bios tell it which drive boot order and it will boot again.
Finally I got a BSOD two weeks ago. Go into bios and its not listed. I think maybe its the board or port so I take the normal HD it ships with and test it in that port and it sees it. Lets call this normal drive "A" Part # 9HV144-286 I believe its a Sata 3 drive. The Bios see's Drive "A" in both slot 0 and 1. Lets call my first SSD "B" Part # AGT3-25SAT3-120G It is a Sata 3 6gbps w/ backwards compatible to 3gbs. I tried "B" in both slots and bios does not see it.
So I say okay seems like my SSD gave out the ghost and order a new one. Lets call the New Drive "C" Part # SSD9SC120GLA-XLR which is a Sata 3 6gbps drive SSD drive. I can't seem to find better specs then that below is the new egg link.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820178455Everywhere I can find it says its the PNY XLR8
So Drive "C" Arrives and I try it in both bays and BIOS does not see it in either. I figured I got a lemon and did an RMA and got it replaced. Drive "D" arrives a duplicate of drive "C" and same thing BIOS does not see it in either bay. I tried the original drive "A" again to confirm and yes it still sees it. I reset the bios to defaults and I am using ACHI for Sata in bios.
All I can think of is this is some weird mobo error, maybe mobo firmware.
Or perhaps the mobo can only handle 3gpbs sata 3 and the new drive isn't backwards compatible, but that doesn't make sense because its supposed to be backwards compatible.
Please help before I spend any more money or time on this.