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Sound Blaster X-Fi MB2 Software Suite - review on G74SX HD audio onboard

Level 8
I've bought the full creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB2 suite software from for only 24$

---------[UPDATED - 04/08/2013] The new sound blaster X-fi MB3 is out


I must say, the processing was quite simple. it was matter of waiting for the email to be send with Key & download link of the software.

Anyway, Since the G74SX comes with only the Trustudio THX along with THX EAX 5.0. you aren't really benefiting from the real sound. I still don't understand why ASUS did not offered us the software itself with the laptop, instead of giving us a very limited one.

Anyway, the Audio chip onboard of the G74SX is decent, along with it's CPU, compare to a REAL sound blaster card (comes with Creative hardware tweaks) there isn't much difference besides the Volume strength & The bass strength (compared to a Recon3D, it comes with Quad-core, see those Core actually pushes the Frequencies of EQ & bass quality, the rest is just software related and has nothing to do with the Hardware itself)

My reaction when i installed it, i saw the nice black/orange color, I was SOO excited (im a big audiophile)
as you can see, it comes with Trustudio PRO & Creative console launcher.





And also comes with widgets and 5.0 EAX

My conclusion, for 24 Bucks? HELL YEAH, its worth every penny. ESPECIALLY FOR the G74SX. you just get every inch of perfection on the laptop. Since i upgrade my ram, SSD and now somewhat My sound card. I really feel like this laptop could of came with all of these on the first go, but hey i'm happy ;D

I recommend strongly, i'd give the software FOR the g74sx a 8/10. Compared to a Recon3D i had on my alienware. the only difference is you aren't getting that Voice FX (just changes ur voice) & the big strong bass booster from EQ settings (due to it's 4 quad-core build in chip) but really, this software bass booster is strong enough, especially since i never thought the stock Onboard Realtek HD audio that came with the G74SX could still deliver strong sound quality. Also, blasting it loud, there is no more speaker noise, or bad distortion, was really happy ! and saying it again, with earbuds/headphones, the sound production is very nice ! dynamic and crystal clear.

Now the only downside i hate about the G74SX, are the speakers themselves, they are good don't get me wrong, but they just aren't very loud enough, but alas. Using vulcan headset & using my laptop speaker on a living room or 5-10 feet away, still feels very crisp and Loud enough if things aren't noisy around the area ( i'd say if you live in an apartment, open ur window and hearing traffic. you will still hear every sound coming up from speaker, just not very loud to bleed ur ears. but it's a laptop don't expect clubbing with it lmao

Also, i understand many people dislike the Trustudio that came pre-installed. i hated it too, but this my friends, This is just freaking amazing. Software can always make a huge change, not just Hardware itself.

Edit: This can support up to 5.1 Surround. Now im not sure about 7.1, but it should .

Updated: If you noticed, every new Models of 2013 laptops of every brands out there are putting stock Realtek sound card now. I don't know why 😛


Level 7
I'm tempted to buy this software too, but since I have a 5.1 kit from Creative, I`m going to buy the SoundBlaster X-Fi 5.1 surround pro, which I believe will deliver the same audio quality. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Whats the process in regards to removing your previous realtek audio driver? Is it simply a case of removing the old realtek driver and installing the Soundblaster software? I am very interested in maybe ordering this software if so, 20 odd bucks for better sound is worth it IMO.

Btw realy nice background you have there 🙂

Thanks for letting us know!
Asus G74SX-FHD-TZ130V

2nd Generation Intel Core i7-2630qm 2ghz With Turbo Boost Up To 2.9ghz CPU | Metallic Keyboard | Win 7 Home Premium | Blu Ray & DVD +/- & CD Player | 4 USB Ports | Media Card Reader | Webcam | Bluetooth | WIFI | Nvidia 3D Vision GTX560M 3GB | 2 X 750GB 7200rpm HDD's | 8 GB RAM DDR3 1333mhz | 17 Inch Screen 1920X1080 Resolution | 1 HDMI Ports | 8 Cell Battery

Thorn2011 wrote:
Whats the process in regards to removing your previous realtek audio driver? Is it simply a case of removing the old realtek driver and installing the Soundblaster software? I am very interested in maybe ordering this software if so, 20 odd bucks for better sound is worth it IMO.

Btw realy nice background you have there 🙂

Thanks for letting us know!

It doesn't use the realtek driver. instead it just sits on top of it's hardware rather than it's own software. So you dont have to worry about your realtek atm. but its always nice to keep it updated.

and thanks haha


Level 8
Although depending on the realtek driver, it will have options that will add up on the current Xi-fi speaker.

Level 8
updated: I installed this on the new G75VX. it has a realtek, sadly the subwoofer is not recognized, thus only the 2 speakers are working with this software. also the software has an issue when installing it on windows 8. I recommend this on windows 7 machines with no subwoofer and has realtek chip set of course

Level 7
Is this only noticeable with the onboard speakers, or also when using headphones for gaming and movies?
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Both, headphones become much much better on producing clearer sound and more dynamic

Level 8
bumping this thread 😛

Level 7
I'm definitely intrigued to hear how much of a difference it would make in games like Skyrim. I'd hate to plunk down $24 and only a so-so improvement there though, since that's really the only time I use headphones with my laptop. Too bad they don't offer a timed evaluation copy or something along those lines.
Roses are red
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