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Sonic Radar + Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.7040 for Windows Win 8.1

Level 12
While digging for Realtek driver updates, I found a newer release of the audio driver, it is listed as for Windows 8.1 release, but if you drop into the driver folder, ignoring the top level Asus Installer (which complains about the OS on Windows 8), you can use the original Realtek Setup to install, I am running it now.

Description Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.7040 for Windows Win8.1 32bit & Win8.1 64bit---(WHQL).
File Size 296,27 (MBytes) 2013.09.27 update

The other nice bonus, Sonic Radar is included in a SonicRadar folder in the driver folder, and it installed ok.



The new driver is working so far for me, please post a note if you find a problem with the driver or Sonic Radar under Windows 8.

Update: In MaxxAudio, for Speakers clicking Defaults drops MaxxBass to 0 in some profiles. But, setting it back by hand sounds fine. I have switched back and forth between .7027 and .7040 and except for the defaults glitch .7040 sounds great.

Update: In MaxxAudio, for Headphones I can click on Small/Medium/Large, and the Profile defaults sound great.

hmscott wrote:
Popping sound in the speakers or headphone (through headphone jack)?

I had to re-enter the registry entries to turn off power saving mode for the headphone jack amplifier after installing the latest realtek driver.

These settings turn off the power saving mode while plugged in to AC, but allow power saving mode while on battery:


on progress...thank you brother...will let you know the result. 🙂
G751JT | 24GB | 2 x 1TB HDD | Nvidia GTX 970M | Windows XP