So I've been seeing tons of threads and complaints all over the internet with people complaining about gaming with the 960M. -Most- of us understand it can game but its obviously not a miniature Titan X. I searched the internet and talked to many people about optimizing the laptop to its safest potential without tricky modifications. Here's what I compiled for this and hopefully I can help at least a few souls that search the interwebs for help.
To start download WinFlash available on the asus support site.
WinFlash will be able to download and install the newest BIOS from the asus website. (.207)
Make sure you have the newest driver downloaded with Geforce Experience. (355.82)
Download MSI afterburner and use the settings
+135 on the Core Clock
+280 on the Memory Clock
Make sure your battery is on high performance mode... Stupid I know but some people forget.
Change your processor power to 99% to avoid high temps from the Turbo Boost.
For Nvidia Control Panel under 3D Settings
Anisotropic Filtering: App controlled
Antialiasing - FXAA: Off (Witcher can do it ingame)
Antialiasing Trans: OFF
Power Management: Prefer Max
Shader Cache: On
Texture filtering On, Allow, High Performance, On
Threaded Optimization: Auto
Triple Buffering: Off
Vertical Sync: Off
Now for settings in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Note these are my personal optimal settings).
Ambient Occlusion: SSAO
Anti-Aliasing ON
Bloom: ON
Detail: Ultra
Display: Fullscreen
Foliage Range: Low
Grass Density: Medium
Light Shafts: ON
# BG Characters: Medium
Hairworks: OFF
Resolution: 1920x1080
Shadow: Low
Terrain: Medium
Texture: Ultra
Water: Low
With the 3DMark Firestrike Test I got 4375. Also note that I'm using the GTX 960M 2GB version. Mine is ranked 29, but note that the ones better than mine are mostly 4GB versions and have modified or experimental BIOS.
I'm now running Witcher at 35FPS which is acceptable for this midrange laptop at 1080 with occasional drops as low at 26FPS during bigger boss fights. As high as 45FPS in indoor environments.
With some creativity on more settings I reached rank 25 for the 960M for firestrike. Don't forget this is only the 2GB version. lol
Valid ResultSo there you go, hopefully I managed to help someone out there!
ROG G551JW - i7 - 4720HQ - GTX 960 2GB - 16GB RAM
ROG G751 - i7- 4710HQ - GTX 970M 3GB - 16GB RAM