Myk SilentShadow wrote:
Nope you can't limit what RAM gets used, but, also you could always use the extra 8GB as a RAM Cache/RAMDisk 🙂
Oooohhhh, I really like that idea. Thanks!
And one person I'm asking has said he's seen win7 home premium with 32 GB of RAM. Microsoft's site says it's limited tno 16 GB of physical memory. I don't know what to think, but I believe I'm going to make the RAM cache either way. :3
Also, for anyone wondering, I just used "sudo dmidecode --type 17" in linux to get the RAM model: EBJ40UG8EFU0 GN-F are installed in banks 1 and 3 (the list starting at 0), and are on channels A-DIMM1 and B-DIMM1. They are 1600 MHz and 1.35 V with timings 11-11-11.
If my understanding is correct, that confirms that you can install whatever two sticks you want in the empty slots as long as those two are identical to each other. Those two custom sticks will be in dual-channel mode, as will the stock sticks. The custom sticks will, however, be limited to 1600 Mhz.
Does anyone happen to know how those stock timings and voltage would impact the RAM I installed should it be a different time or voltage?