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Shift + E + SPACE = NOTHING?

Level 10
So after the multiple problems I've had with this laptop and having yet to use it for its intended purpose I managed to sit down and play some RUST today while I'm traveling. I haven't tested it with all keys but currently when I press Shift + E the space bar is unresponsive. This is a major issue since i prefer to use a more natural ESDF instead of WASD so while gaming if I am sprinting I can not jump.

Does anyone have a solution for why my Space becomes unresponsive while holding shift + E ? This happens when I boot into safe mode or into console so it's not a driver or software issues.

Level 10
Might just be keyboard ghosting. It also doesn't works for me. I just tried it now when I was answering. I don't think it is anything you can do about this. Just try and go back with the classic WASD or use another button for jumping 🙂

NitroX wrote:
Might just be keyboard ghosting. It also doesn't works for me. I just tried it now when I was answering. I don't think it is anything you can do about this. Just try and go back with the classic WASD or use another button for jumping 🙂

There isn't a single acceptable answer in that statement.

Level 10
Hmm...maybe not acceptable but definitely true :). I sense a bit of remorse for buying this G751 but you don't really have to be that judgemental about these minor issues of the notebook. Yes, I know that these models could have been better and I also had greater expectations from them, but in the end you'll see that many of these drawbacks are not that annoying. There are other gaming notebooks with far more problems that these G751, and greater problems too like: temperatures, noise, bad screens, horrible flex etc.

To be honest I don't see any other solution for the keyboard thing, unless it is something from the registry. And I don't really see a future G series laptop with a mechanical keyboard anyways :)).

NitroX wrote:
Hmm...maybe not acceptable but definitely true :). I sense a bit of remorse for buying this G751 but you don't really have to be that judgemental about these minor issues of the notebook. Yes, I know that these models could have been better and I also had greater expectations from them, but in the end you'll see that many of these drawbacks are not that annoying. There are other gaming notebooks with far more problems that these G751, and greater problems too like: temperatures, noise, bad screens, horrible flex etc.

To be honest I don't see any other solution for the keyboard thing, unless it is something from the registry. And I don't really see a future G series laptop with a mechanical keyboard anyways :)).

We have two wildly different ideas on what constitutes a minor issue. I've owned this laptop for 3 months, I've yet to get a resolution from asus on any of my issues and I've yet to be able to use this laptop for its intended use.

Okay, so a WIFI card that has 4 second lag spikes, a keyboard that doesn't work and a recovery utility that frags a hard drive and then fails.

A 2000 dollar brick that I can't game on and a company that doesn't respond back to support tickets. Minor issues.

I own 3 other laptops and I've never had an issue like this and the issues I did have were immediately resolved.

Level 10
For testing purposes it would be nice to see if more people are having the same issue.
I have a G751JT and I like other users to test to see if they are also seeing this issue.

Level 10
Hmm, but I saw that you solved you Wi-Fi lag spikes in a previous thread. And the keyboard does work just fine, but not quite in the way you are using it. Keyboard ghosting is pretty common in many notebooks (in fact, it is also common in desktops as well). And each type of keyboard has it's own keys that won't work in certain combinations. Like for our RoG's it is Space+Ctrl+E.
Yes, ASUS could have made the effort of using a ghosting free keyboard but I don't know what this would have implied. I really like the chiclet keyboard they are using and I wouldn't change it for anything at the moment. Seriously, just try to use the WASD keys as it is normally intended.

The thing with the utility I can't say that it is minor but it is not related to the notebook itself. It is a software issue that could have happened for any other model.

I don't get it why are you saying that you have a 2000dollar brick that you can't game on? This is because of the keyboard or what ? And what is its intended purpose from your point of view? I'm just asking because I can't say that this model hasn't disappointed me in some ways, but by all means, it didn't disappointed me while gaming (which is in fact the main purpose). As well, it hadn't disappointed me while working on CAD projects, excel files, running movies, downloading files etc. There are many ways in which it hadn't disappointed but only a few that could have been better.

NitroX wrote:
Hmm, but I saw that you solved you Wi-Fi lag spikes in a previous thread.

While I have reduced the frequency of the lag spikes they still occur on a frequency of every 3-4 minutes. No other device on my network exhibits this behavior.

NitroX wrote:
And the keyboard does work just fine, but not quite in the way you are using it. Keyboard ghosting is pretty common in many notebooks (in fact, it is also common in desktops as well). And each type of keyboard has it's own keys that won't work in certain combinations. Like for our RoG's it is Space+Ctrl+E.

So the keyboard works just not when I use it. Except this is the first keyboard that I've owned in my life that this has been an issue with my play style. Doesn't happen on any of my other 4 laptops I have in my house, or any of the 5 desktops with different keyboards, or any other computer I've ever owned.

NitroX wrote:
Seriously, just try to use the WASD keys as it is normally intended.

Feel free to gimp yourself in any game you want to play, I'll prefer to and will always use ESDF. I've been typing for 35 years, I learned to type on the home row and I'll continue to use the stronger set of fingers in a natural position which gives me greater access to more keys and a wider set of options for gaming. I'm a very serious gamer and I thought I bought a serious gaming laptop. I shouldn't have to change my play style that I've developed for over 30 years (and haven't had an issue with on any other computer I've ever owned) because ASUS put a cheap keyboard in my expensive gaming laptop.

Just and FYI ESDF is actually the original FPS gaming keys and not uncommon. Do a little research on it.

NitroX wrote:
The thing with the utility I can't say that it is minor but it is not related to the notebook itself. It is a software issue that could have happened for any other model.

It's a major issue, you can't sugar coat this. They write the software, they make the hardware. It's not like they are using a third party software and just by chance it stopped working. Their recovery image and backup software are faulty leaving the end user no backup in the case of a hardware failure or OS corruption. What if I made this backup and a few months out of warranty I had a hard drive failure I needed to copy my image to only to find out ASUS had a known issue with Backtracker they wont admit to leaving me stuck? I'm savvy enough to get the job done and do a nice clean install myself but other users would be stuck with an expensive service appointment because ASUS failed and refuses to disclose or admit to it.

NitroX wrote:
I don't get it why are you saying that you have a 2000dollar brick that you can't game on? This is because of the keyboard or what ? And what is its intended purpose from your point of view? I'm just asking because I can't say that this model hasn't disappointed me in some ways, but by all means, it didn't disappointed me while gaming (which is in fact the main purpose). As well, it hadn't disappointed me while working on CAD projects, excel files, running movies, downloading files etc. There are many ways in which it hadn't disappointed but only a few that could have been better.

So I bought a gaming laptop so I could watch movies and and make spreadsheets. Or for that matter do work related stuff like work on CAD models and troubleshoot customer issues.

I bought a gaming laptop to separate my engineer workstation from my personal hobbies. I'm glad that you can game on a laptop that has ping spikes of 4000ms, or one that forces you to retool all of your play styles because ASUS went cheap on their keyboards. I cannot and will not. I didn't drop this kind of cash so I could gimp myself while gaming, I thought I was buying a premium gaming model that I could supplement my desktop experience with while I traveled for work.

By the way you and HMscott try to blame everything but ASUS and defend them to the core, I'm beginning to think that both of you are taking some sort of kickback from them.

Level 10
:)) Not at all. I have been blaming ASUS for many reasons myself. As I said I also have my disappointments with ASUS which I have written in many threads. Since you are putting the problem like this, well yes... it sounds like a bad buy for you. I wasn't trying to find an excuse for ASUS with what I said earlier. I was just trying to give you some reasons to also enjoy this gaming notebook. I also had my buyers remorse for a while due to temperature related problems, flex on the keyboard area, screen bleeding etc. I've even made a return of my first model in order to get this second one.

To be honest, I'm really sorry for you. I know what means to have great expectations from an expensive product like this and then ending in regret when you see that they could have done a better job with it. But I have managed to get past it by solving the issues one by one and finally getting to enjoy my notebook.

What I'm suggesting you is to try and find if the keyboard problem is really unsolvable because that seems to be the biggest issue. With the ping spikes, I'm suggesting to see if tweaking the settings of the adapter won't make things better. As you saw, I personally had some issues with the Wi-Fi but in the end I solved them by using the registry trick with ScanWhenAssociated and by reconfiguring my router as it was constantly interfering with the neighbors wireless routers.
If you want, I might help you solve the issue of ping spikes. You can try to see if using my settings for the adapter solves your ping issues. You can find them in my thread in the third post.
Also, have you tried using the Intel 7260 on 5Ghz band ? Just to see if interference is the main problem with the ping spikes? And, have you created that registry entry ScanWhenAssociated ? That is one of the main issues which cause ping spikes because windows keeps refreshing the wireless networks list even when you are connected to a certain Access Point.

As a mater of fact, I would suggest using there settings for the adapter because I have made some changes since I posted in that thread:

2.4/5Ghz 802.11n Channel Width: Auto
Ad Hoc Channel 802.11 b/g : Channel 1
Ad Hoc QoS Mode: WMM
ARP offload for WoWLAN: Disabled
Bluethooth AMP: Disabled (This is used to amplify your bluetooth signal by using your wireless antenna)
Fat Channel Intolerant: Disabled (This must be disabled if you want your adapter to connect to 40Mhz Bandiwth and have greater speeds)
GTK rekeying for WoWLAN: Disabled
HT Mode: VHT (Or HT) - Use VHT if you are using 802.11AC or HT if you are using 802.11n standard
Mixed mode protection: RTS/CTS Enabled
NS offload for WoWLAN: Disabled
Packet Coalescing: Disabled
Preferred band: 2.4Ghz - You can select the one that you are using. I've selected 2.4 as I'm mainly using this one. You can also keep auto mode if you're constantly swapping between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz
Roaming aggressiveness: Lowest (This will keep you connected to a wireless Access Point even if it's signal will get weaker. If you are used to roam between different access points then you should select medium)
Sleep on WoWLAN Disconnect: Disabled
Throughput Booster: Disabled
Transmit Power: Lowest (Setting this on lowest is the best way of reducing interference between the adapter and neighbors wireless networks. Just make sure you get enough signal from your own router. If not, try to increase it level by level until you reach the desirable signal).
U-APSD support: Disabled
Wake on magic packet: Disabled
Wake on Pattern Match: Disabled
Wireless mode: 802.11 a/b/g
PS: In the Power Management tab from the same Properties window, go and deselect: “Allow the computer to turn off this device”

These are the current settings which I'm using.

And in the end, if nothing will make things better for you, at least you can sell your notebook and go for another brand. I am sure that you won't lose much money since the product is quite new and you also have warranty for it. If you'll get 75% of the price payed for it then you could go for an MSI, Clevo/Sager or anything that you think it will suite you better :).

NitroX wrote:

What I'm suggesting you is to try and find if the keyboard problem is really unsolvable because that seems to be the biggest issue.

So you're basically telling me I need to take a 500 dollar hit on a laptop because ASUS doesn't do basic testing? (In case your wondering where that math comes from, the base purchase price without any of the supporting gear/hardware I purchased that can't be reused is 1500. You suggest I can get 75% of my purchase price which would be 1125 and I'd eat the 90 dollars in taxes I paid = $465)

I'm not going to pawn faulty hardware off on someone else and take a 400+ dollar hit on it at the same time. ASUS is going to provide me with a solution for this product or they can provide me with a refund. These are not small issues, these are issues that prevent the device from being used for its intended purpose.

Also I've already tried to apply your suggested solution to my network card. I had the most success by removing Gamers First III, this had the biggest impact. There are also a few Intel suggested registry tweaks and power settings that I applied that also had some good affect.