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Screen Flickering with a brand new G501JW in 3D mode

Level 7

My wife just bought a ASUS G501JW-CN222H to improve its gaming experience in various games and more specifically World Of Warcraft. 🙂

She just unboxed it yesterday and bad surprise... the laptop works fine but as soon as she log into WoW, the screen start to flicker
permanently and some blank lines also appears every now and then... From seeing that i would say that it look like a refresh rate issue or something.

She tries to change the game resolution, update to the latest nvidia drivers, reset WoW graphical settings in various way but the issue still remains.

She's in the process of installing other games while she's at work, in order to check if it's related to WoW but i would like to know if somebody
has faced the same kind of issue with this laptop and manage to fix it?

Thanks for any help you can provide 🙂

Level 7
I was about to buy this laptop because it's so appealing and can handle my gaming needs.. Until I looked up reviews and have seen this complain everywhere! Much like this forum post I haven't seen any response from ASUS regarding this widespread issue, which further dissuades me from purchasing.. *sigh* hopefully you guys find a fix or maybe ASUS will, I really wanted to get this laptop.

ab62391 wrote:
I was about to buy this laptop because it's so appealing and can handle my gaming needs.. Until I looked up reviews and have seen this complain everywhere! Much like this forum post I haven't seen any response from ASUS regarding this widespread issue, which further dissuades me from purchasing.. *sigh* hopefully you guys find a fix or maybe ASUS will, I really wanted to get this laptop.

I didn't buy the 4K version, i bought the Full HD version. I've had it for a week now and it works flawless. No flickering or anything.
Nothing to complain about from me.
The only thing i can agree with the critics is that it's easy to get smudges on the lid 😄

You guys who got the flickering, do you have the 4k version?

Level 7
i have the 4k version and i got no problem ,
dunno , but i suspect it's the intel driver problem.

Level 7
Good news.

Download BIOS 209
#Fixed eDP Panel Power Sequence not correct after S3 resume, Panel will abnormal after wake up0 from panel-off.

p/s: I myself don't own G501 but I have been following this thread since it was created because I was interested in this laptop. I got myself MSI ge62 eventually.

Didn't do anything. Neither did 210. Avoid this product like you would avoid cancer.