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screen calibration - lost after reboot

Level 9
so im having an annoying issue.
I go into the nvidia controle panel, and in the tab "adjust desktop colorsettings" I tick the box Use NVIDIA-settings. and then click Use. and all is good, but when i reboot thoes settings are "saved" but they really arnt, I have to uncheck and recheck the box for the settings to be used again.

do anyone know of a fix ?

Level 9
Urg even tried using the build in calibration from windows (the one found by going into controlepanel and search for color) made a profile with correct settings, yet on boot it always revert to the predefined ones.

Level 14
Apexing wrote:
I go into the nvidia controle panel, and in the tab "adjust desktop colorsettings" I tick the box Use NVIDIA-settings. and then click Use. and all is good, but when i reboot thoes settings are "saved" but they really arnt, I have to uncheck and recheck the box for the settings to be used again.

What NVIDIA driver version are you currently running? Do other NVIDIA driver versions exhibit this behavior? I recommend trying the latest 306.23 WHQL version if you haven't done so...

Be sure to perform a 'clean' NVIDIA install (choose "Custom Install" and check the "Clean Install" checkbox) from Windows Safe Mode when you change driver versions.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

Level 9
i am on 306.,23 and always do clean install so sadly thats not it, the prior version did not work correctly either .

oh and reason i want to change this is cuz the standard color gives a slight yellow tint.
you can see this if you go into nvidia controle panel, then under adjust desktop colorsettings and check the box use nvidia-settings.

Level 14
I agree with you that the changes you make in the NVIDIA Control Panel should persist through a reboot. Perhaps the changes are being blocked by some security setting/program or your account doesn't have the proper permissions to save the change?

I'd post your issue on the NVIDIA Official Feedback Thread for 306.23 in the NVIDIA Forum once it reopens.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

Level 9
I maneged to fix it 😄
I disabled a few items from msconfig, So now it keeps the nvidia settings evne upon reboot. I disabled ACMON, ATK Media, Asus Vibe and APRP under the start menu. Think I also disabled some under services, so if disabling the things ive mentioned dont help you let me know, and ill check to see what other things i disabled.

Level 14
If you want to troubleshoot the issue, I suggest disabling just one thing at a time and testing the results to see if the behavior changes. If it changes the behavior, then you've found the culprit.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

Level 9
I know, I did google the items i disabled, and they were not things I needed 🙂 and now I can go without the yellow tnt so its good.

Level 14
That IS good! And I'm glad you shared your resolution. At least we know that at least one of those things you disabled is responsible for the problem behavior. That will help others that encounter a similar issue.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

I believe the utility that's causing the yellow tint, as well as keeps taking over your color settings, is the ASUS Splendid Utility. It gave me the yellow tint in all profiles but the normal profile, which wouldn't be so bad, except that it would change profiles on me after a reboot sometimes. I uninstalled the utility and now my screen stays beautiful. Of course, now fn+C don't do anything anymore, but it's not like I ever used it anyways... 😛

~Azrael's Kiss~
~Azrael's Kiss~

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