Just to share with you, If your finding GTA5 is not running so great on your older G series Notebook, in my caes on a slightly older G74sx, be sure you have updated your
Intel Chipset INF to the latest version.
I found the game was not detecting my CPU and properly scaling the performance until I did this.
Also be sure to grab the
latest graphics drivers from Nvidia..Many of us Notebook owners make the mistake of grabbing the generic drivers witch is a BIG MISTAKE.
Nvidia to their credit have customized drivers specifically designed for Notebook users.
You have to make sure when you update your Nvidia drivers; under "Product Series" you select your matching card to only grab the version with (Notebook) "in brackets" at the end of the name of your card.
Very important!
i found once I did this all of a sudden my performance shot through the roof, and although I dont run at full Ultra settings, I can achieve very high settings for the most part and a nice stable framerate.
Grab the Intel update utility here.Nvidia drivers here.If you require any other performance tips please feel free to inquire or post your findings in this thread.