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ROG G752VT - USB disk problems

Level 7
Hi guys.
I bought a G752VT but i have some problems with 2 kind of 2.5" 3.0 external HD (Maxtor M3 and LACIE) connected via any of 4 USB ports of the PC.
Wth both cases there is a problem writing on the disk and this is noticeable watching at the write speed shown by Windows progress bar. The write speed varies from 0 to 20MB/sec and sometimes the HD is abruptly disconnected from the PC :confused:

Of course the same disks work fine on others PC and i have also tried changing their USB cables without any result.
Someone else had the same bad experience with G752VT?


Level 7
Nobody has similar problems???

IWILZ wrote:
Nobody has similar problems???

I have not test all ports with a external HD, always use the left ones, without issues. Just with one external HD I think Toshiba, was not recognized by the ports of the pc, just in one port, one in the right side, since then not having issues with write speed or something, if you purchased recently, maybe can think in return it. There is one thread about the speed with the left ports of this pc I think. Hope this can help you or someone else can give feedback too.

No issues with the ports on my G752VT. Although I have had one dodgy connection but that was the cable that was causing it; after replacing the cable with a sturdier one, it got better. Is your laptop fully updated and what does S.M.A.R.T (download CrystalDiskInfo, run it and post a screen capture here of its conditions) have to say about your external drives?

Thank you RuisuL12, i'm happy to hear that you had no problems.
Yes i'm returning back to the seller my G752VT and now i'm interested to know if i was just unlucky or there is a sistematic problem with this PC and watching around on internet and in this forum seems that should be some recurrent issues about different models of the ROG family on USB ports. :confused:

Digimutant wrote:
... what does S.M.A.R.T (download CrystalDiskInfo, run it and post a screen capture here of its conditions) have to say about your external drives?

Sorry Digimutant, what means S.M.A.R.T???

IWILZ wrote:
Sorry Digimutant, what means S.M.A.R.T???

It gives you health stats on your drives, except for me it doesnt do the NVMe drive.

Good to troubleshoot problems with.