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ROG G751-JY BIOS 211 NVMe Upgrade Guide Step by Step

Level 9
Hello volks,
this guide was developed on the ground based work of Fernando in the WIN Raid Forums.
He developed the NVMe Support and the update procedures. Im very thankful and proud of Fernando's work.
Without it, we would never have NVMe support on our older generations Notebooks..

I recently modded my BIOS and now it supports the NVMe Protokoll.
I want to share some experience I made during modding my BIOS,
so that anyone who owns the G751 with an M.2 slot should get a NVMe drive to work.

I dont take any responsibility if you make modifications and somehow brick your BIOS.
I strongly recomment to decide yourself if you want do the BIOS Mod or not.

Its not quite difficult to mod the ASUS G751-JY BIOS. I will give you an easy Guide you can follow step by step.
My System is a G751-JY with 24GB of RAM Georce GTX 980m 4GB and Windows 7 prof. 64

OK, lets start.

What you need:
- actual BIOS Vers. 211 / if not yet installed, please download the Update from ASUS support and install it yousing Easy-Flash in the BIOS.
- AMI Firmware Updater (afuwin64) from AMI for Aptio 4
- MMTool for Aptio 4
- UEFITOOL_0.2.2.1
- EFI NVMe BIOS Module

You can find the actual downloads on the win-raid forums.
This guide was also done with the ground based work of fernando.
Please ask him for further support

1. First of all, downoad all the needed files into a new Folder and Name it "BiosMod"
2. Now we are going to make a copy of the present BIOS using afuwinx64. Start the AFUWINGUI
3. Hit the save Buttom and store your actual copy of your BIOS in a seperate Folder and name it afuwin.rom
4. Copy the afuwin.rom (your EFI BIOS without Capsule) to the MMTOOLs Folder
5. Start MMTooL and Load the afuwin.rom Image
6. Click "Create Report" and close MMTooL.
7. Now open UEfiTool_0.2.2.1 and load the afuwin.rom image by clicking "File" and "Open Immage file" and select
8. Now that you loaded your BIOS in Uefitools hit the "File" Buttom --> "Search" select "Text" and enter DXE in the searchfield
9. Hit "OK" and doubleclick at "interface section at offset Ch"
10 . Scroll down to the LANDriver DXE driver and click the right Mouse buttom and hit "Insert After..."
11. Select the "NvmExpressDxe_3.ffs
12. Now you have insert the DXE NVME driver Module in the free memory space below the LanDriver DXE Module. Now you Click "File" and "Save Image file..."
13. Save the new romfile and name it 211nvme.rom
14. Click "Yes" for Open reconstructed file? and parse again if the NVME Module is correctly installed between the LanDXE_Module and the free Space
15. Copy the new 211nvme.rom file to the MMTools Directory.
16. Start MMTool and load the new 211nvme.rom and click create Report. Close MMTool
17. Now you can open both the old afuwin.rpt Textfile and the new 211nvme.rpt Textfile and compare them.

18. Compare the afuwin.rpt and the 211nvme.rpt and you should get the same Text as I have

19. Now that we have checked everything, we are going to flash the new BIOS
20. Open afuwingui hit "Open" and select the "211nvme.rom file" Carefully look at the Lenght of the File it should have exactly 6.144KB as your afuwin.rom also.
Maybe the length could differ from BIOS to BIOS but i think it should be that value.

21. Now we are ready to Flash the new BIOS. Attach your powersupply and close all unneeded Programs
22. Hit the "Flash" buttom and enjoy your computer gets upgraded with NVMe support.

Now that we programed the new BIOS, you can attach a new NVMe SSD at the M.2 socket.
Notice: there is no Drive Listing in the PCIe SSD field or it even disappeared in the BIOS, but dont be afraid.
If the NVMe SSD is bootable, you should get a BOOT Option like I have: Windows Boot Manager.

Here is an overview of my HWInfo:

I hope you find this Guide useful. IF so, you can leave some comments.
Thanks also to the WinRaid Forum for Supporting me with the DXE Drivers.

If you want, feel free to contact me:
I can create check and send the modified 211nvme.rom Bios File file to you, if you send me your saved Bios with afuwin (valid only for G751having a PCIe x4 M.2) Than you only need to Flash the new Bios with AfuWin64 without to be afraid bricking your G751.
Just send my an E-Mail to:


Christian Karbe ( Informatic / Computer Enginneer)
[And again, if your unsure if you wanna do the Flash, better do not. I will not be responsible for any damage.

Have Fun

110 REPLIES 110

m33ts4k0z wrote:

I know this is 1.5 month old but I just wanted to let everyone know that I installed the nvme 4 module linked by Kinomoto and followed the exact same instructions as from the first post and everything worked perfectly fine.

I'm using BIOS 213 and the non-small nvme 4 module file. I tested a Samsung 950 Pro M.2 512GB from my main computer just to test the nvme support and it booted directly without any issues so the instructions and procedure are still good.

The laptop is a G751-JY

Thanks for the update.
Do you know what Asus added in the 213 Bios update that was not in the 211 Bios?

feihtthief wrote:
Thanks for the update.
Do you know what Asus added in the 213 Bios update that was not in the 211 Bios?

I didn't bother to look after update notes other than the single line that Asus provides: Optimize system performance

But you can certainly dig a bit deeper and compare the generated reports from the MMTool in order to see if something new was added.

But since this laptop will hardly get any more BIOS updates, I believe it's worth upgrading the BIOS and doing the process once more. It only took me about 10 minutes anyway.

Level 13
I’ve never seen anyone make this work correctly. Seen one user a few years back get it to run but slower then the original AHCI drive that was in it. This model was just released at a bad time M2 had just been released but NVME didnt happen for several months later and is fully supported in G752 models. I tried myself as I have both models and best I ever got was it to boot with crappy performance. There was a Samsung OEM AHCI drive that came close to the NVME performance but not quite. Haven’t looked in a while but last time I did they were very hard to come by.*

BigJohnny wrote:
I’ve never seen anyone make this work correctly. Seen one user a few years back get it to run but slower then the original AHCI drive that was in it. This model was just released at a bad time M2 had just been released but NVME didnt happen for several months later and is fully supported in G752 models. I tried myself as I have both models and best I ever got was it to boot with crappy performance. There was a Samsung OEM AHCI drive that came close to the NVME performance but not quite. Haven’t looked in a while but last time I did they were very hard to come by.*

Thanks for your reply I bought the notebook with the Samsung OEM 512GB AHCI m.2 SSD you mentioned, but I am running out of space so therefore I am looking to what what the upgrade possibilities are for the m.2 slot...


Level 9
Hi m33ts4k0z,

It's never too late to share good news about update! And thanks the first post for sharing the instructions with the folks! 🙂

Hi guys,
Appreciate all the hard work.
The drive I got is ADATA SX8200pro 1TB, supposed to reach average 2300 read, 1800 write, I assume should be limited by pcie2.0x4. I have an issue with low bandwidth, after modding bios 213 with either nvme dxe 3 or 4, I have just 800 MB/s read/write. I have tried benchmarking from windows (Crystalmark), and from ubuntu disk manager benchmark, identical result. I have also tried removing all my drives and testing just the nvme drive from ubuntu on a USB stick. Tried using intel nvme driver instead of MS one under windows (I used intel 760p one, it has the same controller as SX8200pro). Windows installed on a SATA SSD in master slot, GPT partition table. Disabled legacy boot/secure boot in BIOS. Seems similar to what @Kliszczak got.


werakoko wrote:
Hi guys,
Appreciate all the hard work.
The drive I got is ADATA SX8200pro 1TB, supposed to reach average 2300 read, 1800 write, I assume should be limited by pcie2.0x4. I have an issue with low bandwidth, after modding bios 213 with either nvme dxe 3 or 4, I have just 800 MB/s read/write. I have tried benchmarking from windows (Crystalmark), and from ubuntu disk manager benchmark, identical result. I have also tried removing all my drives and testing just the nvme drive from ubuntu on a USB stick. Tried using intel nvme driver instead of MS one under windows (I used intel 760p one, it has the same controller as SX8200pro). Windows installed on a SATA SSD in master slot, GPT partition table. Disabled legacy boot/secure boot in BIOS. Seems similar to what @Kliszczak got.



you could try the tips described here.

Good luck.

werakoko wrote:
Hi guys,
Appreciate all the hard work.
The drive I got is ADATA SX8200pro 1TB, supposed to reach average 2300 read, 1800 write, I assume should be limited by pcie2.0x4. I have an issue with low bandwidth, after modding bios 213 with either nvme dxe 3 or 4, I have just 800 MB/s read/write. I have tried benchmarking from windows (Crystalmark), and from ubuntu disk manager benchmark, identical result. I have also tried removing all my drives and testing just the nvme drive from ubuntu on a USB stick. Tried using intel nvme driver instead of MS one under windows (I used intel 760p one, it has the same controller as SX8200pro). Windows installed on a SATA SSD in master slot, GPT partition table. Disabled legacy boot/secure boot in BIOS. Seems similar to what @Kliszczak got.

I maybe wrong as its a few years since i did this mod but i think i remember reading you dont get full bus speeds because its shared with the graphics card?

Level 8
I apologise if this is a dumb question, but if I want to set up a dual boot system, is it possible after I've done this process? I'd like to install a Linux OS, perhaps Kali.

season_of_ages wrote:
I apologise if this is a dumb question, but if I want to set up a dual boot system, is it possible after I've done this process? I'd like to install a Linux OS, perhaps Kali.

You don't need to be afraid.
I'm running Windows and Linux as dual boot for a long time on different devices. My Windows is on the SAMSUNG EVO 970 M.2 NVMe and my Kubuntu is on the SAMSUNG EVO 850. And I experienced no troubles at all.
You only need to know were to install your GRUB Bootloader and which Boot Option you choose for initial start.
For example: I installed the Windows EFI Bootloader on my M.2 and the GRUB Bootloader on my SATA SSD.
Than I choose the SATA SSD BOOT Option and adjusted Grub for Multiboot.

