Turn it off and disable it in Windows as well, problem solved. Ive done this from day one as this is nothing more than a hybrid hibernate. It dumps whats in memory to a file called hiberfil.sys, all running programs, drivers, etc. If you are running an SSD this equates to a full memory dump like a BSOD every time you shut down. 32GB ram? Thats 32GB of unnecessary write to your SSD.
Problem? Well when you get a problem youget exactly what you are describing. One driver not playing nice just gets reloaded over and over and over and over and over x 100 billion times. Need to reboot to reset after software install, nope thats not going to go right either as you will only boot right back to where you were. Hung up? Yep you guessed it, you come right back to where you left off, hung up.
Dont know what you call slow but I have this off on all my machines both by the bios and in windows under power options and my least fast boot time is 8 seconds.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein