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Replacement Key for G750JW

Level 7
I ripped the silicon part of my *w* key and in the process of trying to fix it, i snaped the "hooks" of the actual key.
I've done a few searches but I've had no luck finding keys for this model.
Does anyone know where i get a single key replacement for the G750JW model or its equivalent?

Level 14, you can check up on this but I think the keys are the same as the G75's
you mention damage to your W key, the above link these people sell you a kit consisting of three parts the Key Cap the hinge and the silicon bubble. If somehow you have damaged the metal hooks on the keyboard itself these kits won't help you'll have to replace the Keyboard unit.
I changed my "J" key a few months ago you have to be very careful not to damage those little hooks on the KB but it not hard to do they have a video on there web site I think showing how its done.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Clintlgm wrote:, you can check up on this but I think the keys are the same as the G75's
you mention damage to your W key, the above link these people sell you a kit consisting of three parts the Key Cap the hinge and the silicon bubble. If somehow you have damaged the metal hooks on the keyboard itself these kits won't help you'll have to replace the Keyboard unit.
I changed my "J" key a few months ago you have to be very careful not to damage those little hooks on the KB but it not hard to do they have a video on there web site I think showing how its done.

Thank You!
I checked out that website earlier and the hinges looked slightly different, but i suppose if the metal hooks are in the same place then that's not a problem.
Did you happen to purchase your "J" key from this site? It seems to have mixed reviews.

To be honest I don't remember which site I used, at the time I had just googled for replacement keys My "J" key kit cost 9.95 plus 2 shipping. I would definitely give them a call or e-mail to insure weather it will work for your NB since the G750 are not listed!
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 9
Single keys are often difficult to come by, so best of luck in finding them. Worst case scenario is you would need to replace the keyboard, which would require replacing the top case.

We customize Asus, MSI, and Clevo laptops!

Prostar Computer wrote:
Single keys are often difficult to come by, so best of luck in finding them. Worst case scenario is you would need to replace the keyboard, which would require replacing the top case.

This is why, whenever possible, I carry/use a separate keyboard / trackpad / mouse to save wear and tear on built in keyboards / trackpads / buttons. It is just too much of a costly hassle to repair / replace.

Level 7
Speaking of keyboards... are all the keyboards -top cover w/touchpad and all- from the G750 series compatible? I'm wondering if I could replace the keyboard of a G750JZ with one from a G750JW, for example

Level 7
the chassis should be similar if not identical, at least from the outside (heard that G750JH and most likely JZ have slightly different guts because of improved thermal design)

JeniCzech wrote:
the chassis should be similar if not identical, at least from the outside (heard that G750JH and most likely JZ have slightly different guts because of improved thermal design)

That's what I thought, I just might change the whole thing instead than getting some keys, I asked because as the g750jz model has not yet been released here, there's no official part# specifically for the kb, but I could get one from last year's nvidia GTX-700 series model.

I'll try and ask asus directly.

The G750 are not the same as the G75, i checked last week and have the G750 laptop key replacements in stock, i hope this helps as I tried the and they are different than the G750 keys.