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Repair Your Computer & AI Recovery doesn't work after Did Factory Recovery by DVD

Level 7
Hi to all ROG members,

I'm new here and hope i will get answers from the forum regarding the above mentioned problem. I couldn't find anyone post the same problem in the forum so let me start this thread.

I just bought Gaming Series G55VW about 2 weeks ago and as a precaution act I did made FACTORY RECOVERY DISKS through AI RECOVERY BURNER. I made 3 copies of them, which mean 5 dvd times 3 ( to prevent any unexpected causes such as corrupted files during burn. ) The "Repair Your Computer" boot menu from F8 key does good to recover the whole computer. However I couldn't depend on F8 Keys forever as I might change a new hard disk in the future. So to ensure the copies were safe to keep for future recovery, I tested them...

After I recover the system by running the FACTORY RECOVERY using those DVDs, windows has errors to boot. ( see uploaded image below )


When I restart the notebook i get the following error ( see uploaded image below )


When I check the boot menu, I only get to see my DVD/Blueray Drive. Hard Disk is not listed. ( see uploaded image below )


However based on a hard disk managing software I used to inspect the partition and properties, they are nicely done ( see uploaded image below )


But if you watch properly, the OS partition seems empty. Only about 100mb space is used and the Recovery Partition is there. I suppose the Recovery Partition could be revive but the F8 cannot show up "REPAIR YOUR COMPUTER" option due to corrupt windows boot up.

I tested 3 copies of the DVDs created and they all give the same result. I am certainly sure now that my DVDs are all cool ( no corrupt files during burn ), I would blame the AI RECOVERY doesn't do professional enough to ensure the process of restoring FACTORY DEFAULTS thru DVDs as easy as "Repair Your Computer" thru F8 key.

What I really need now is to get the DVD Factory Recovery work. May I ask extra tasks I should perform to make windows start again? Anyone in Asus can provide this support? Thanks in advance. I think Asus technical support should review the AI RECOVERY BURNER for G55VW and see if this happens to all their G55VW Machines when recover with DVDs.

Cecil_2099 wrote:
As soon as John_from_ohio confirms if he is unable to restore to his 1TB HDD, then we have great evidence proving that the ASUS Restore DVDs are unable to restore successfully restore on 1TB drives.

Yes ... confirmed ... apparently recovery DVDs for G75VW fail to restore onto ANY 1 TB drive ( not just factory shipped ones ). Probably fail on anything 1 TB and above?

Laptop 1 TB drives are fairly new out in the marketplace but would have hoped that asus would have tested this configuration. At least we found it fairly soon!

I was seeing fragmenting in vidoes and bad streaking when gaming. I had done a binch of system retores from a flawed driver so i assumed maybe this was the issue. \IVe run the AI recovery **** program and now am left with a computer that does not load. I dont have another to fix it and am DJIng at a festival in a little over a week. Very pissed at teh moment form teh ****ty |ASUS product I purchased. Still may be a video card issue and an RMA in the waiting. HELP me cant practice my set and left with a pos paper weight

Bought G75VW-T1013S brand new on 12th September 2012 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Thankfully I created both blu-ray & dvd media for my G75VW 1 256 GB SSD + 1 TB hd. 1 TB hd is data only.

Using latest paragon backup software hoses the GPT MBR of the System partition. Update - Using Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 also hoses restored MBR of system partition.

Couldn't repair with Windows SP1 DVD due to GPT partitioning on SSD.
Using Windows 8 RTM DVD repair allowed me to boot windows but use of recovery partition is unavailable.
So decided to restore recovery partition using backup media:

Using blu-ray version to restore recovery partition fails to restore bootable MBR with System partition
Using dvd version to restore recovery partition works & boots up recovery mode.
This fails after selecting either "Recover windows to entire HD" or "Recover windows to entire HD with 2 partitons" fails very early as commands assume recovery is from C:\Tools & recovery partition is actually using X:

Q1. Is there any GPT backup software which doesn't hose GPT MBR of system partition? If so which one.
Q2. How can I get the recovery partition back on my machine after doing the right thing & making backup media before doing anything else.


I am confused , can some PLZ give me the exacted link to the AI Recovery Utility 1.0.24 ... I cannot see it anywhere in the downloads ... Which one am i supposed to be downloading ....?

I have a windows recovery image. It will install to a striped volume but not a mirrored volume.

It took some time to clear the disk with diskpart for there recovery to go to the striped volume, but the error still persist to a mirrored set of Seagate 500M Hybrid SSD drives.

I set the striping at 128KB for now to service what I do, but if this was strictly a DB config it would be set for Oracle to the block size of the DB for ultimate DB performance.

If this is resolved, can someone inform me?

Deocharlesc wrote:

If only windows 7 disk startup repair can be executed, there may be chance to correct and trigger the processes where it stops because the hard disk already has complete image from RECOVERY DVD after the Successfully Restored dialog box. However when windows 7 dvd is loaded, launching startup repair / command prompt, will give error "The version of windows is not compatible with current system" due to GPT file system.

I think the problem is that the Recovery DVDs process to generate the Recovery Partition is flawed/incompatible with 1TB drives. Even though if you load up a partition manager software you will see a Recovery Partition, the partition manager software that is capable of checking partitions for errors will report an error on that Recovery Partition as being the partition record reports it being larger than the physical size of the partition and at a physical address off the disk. I believe that is where the problem is that is preventing the Recovery Partition from properly loading after it is created by the DVDs. The system reboots referencing the partition record, but can't find it because the partition record is wrong.
G75VW-BBK5 (Stock configuration with added Crucial M4 256GB SATA SSD as OS boot drive)

Need to know how to restore your G75 to it's factory-like condition? Go to my step-by-step guide:
Step-by-Step: Using ASUS Recovery DVDs to Restore G75

Want to download the latest drivers and utilities for your G75/G55? Go to this thread:
Downloading New Drivers/Utilities for G75/G55

If you are just reading this thread and has not try to recover your computer with Recovery DVD, Update your AI Recovery Now!! to version 1.0.24 or above and re-burn the RECOVERY DVD with newer version AI RECOVERY, only then recovery your computer/notebook that comes with 1TB hard disk. Asus driver/download link

If you are already on the devastated side and you have a 1TB+ hard drive ( comes here to find why your DVD doesn't recover your precious computer )... go to THE FIX guide below.

This will be a sad news to all Happy Owners of Asus laptop comes with 1TB hard disks and AI Recovery version 1.0.23 ( or below? ). They will not escape this problem unless their natural instinct knows there's something bad about the AI Recovery towards 1TB+ hard disks. I suppose most people won't test their recovery disk for future emergency reset or upgrades ( when F8 key is not the choice ). Luckily you got me point this issue out and several people involved to find the fix. I always check any so-called "recovery media" does its job. Sooner or later users with 1TB hard disk system may want the answer from this thread. This is dedicate especially to users with less tech savvy or those who prefer factory defaults compare to manual windows + drivers installations. ASUS must find a way to inform customers about this before they start burning the DVD. Else more users will be emotionally devastated when they found it almost hopeless to get their system back since the F8 "Repair Your Computer" also won't work once the DVD recovery mess up everything. Alternately I hope they find this thread.

Although after this I'm gonna install Windows and other OS from scratch like most professional does. Nevertheless, I need a copy. There is something cool about factory default. I need it and I am keeping a good copy of it :rolleyes:.

Thanks to ROG user dstrakele, john_from_ohio and Cecil_2099 for their opinion, testing and theories as well as answer to the root of this problem.

If you have burn the DVD, you're lucky. But you need extra JOB to do. Find a hard disk below 1TB ( 100GB, 500GB.. etc ) and swap with your 1TB ( or above hard disk ) from your computer/notebook. Insert the Factory Recovery DVD and start the process. Cecil_2099 has the guide for step by step recovery from DVD.

After the process is done, restart computer and enjoy the slow and boring recovery process. You should prepare a coffee or two and watch a movie to wait it all done! Once its truly done, go to and look for support/drivers of your computer model. Download AI Recovery version 1.0.24 and above ( I replaced with v1.0.25 ) and install over the older version of AI Recovery in your computer ( most likely 1.0.23 or below ). After upgrade now Launch AI Recovery and Reburn the DVDs! 😞

Once the burning process done, turn off your pc and remove the hard disk. Put back your 1TB or above hard disk. Insert the new burn Recovery DVDs and Start the recovery steps again... to make your actual system alive on 1TB+ hard disks.

You can use AI Recovery options to make DVD recovery ISO Images, then extract the ISO images into a USB thumbdrive or external hard disk with 20GB free capacity or above ( if your thumdrive is d:\ or e:\ must extract to the main directory d:\ e:\ .. etc, do not extract to any folder d:\backup e:\asus .. etc ). Once the extraction completed, restart your computer to advanced boot menu ( ESC key for Asus ) and select your thumbdrive or external hard disk as the boot. Recovery will be faster because you skip burning DVDs and lame insert-next DVD during recovery steps.

Why the DVD Fails? THEORY:
1. Asus did not give the appropriate AI Recovery version to new computer models before release and sell to public.
2. Older AI Recovery has bad processing scripts to handle as the hard disks growing up to 1TB nowadays.

Best Regards,

Cecil here they are. Let me know isf they are the ones oyu need. Thank' for your help;)


G75vw-91132v 🙂
i7 3610QM
GTX 670M
17.3" FHD 3D LED Backlight
1x 240gb Intel 520 1x 1TB 5400rpm

Hi Guys.

Well boy did i have a great time trying using the AI recovery. Yes i did burn the disks using v23 once i read the below informaion i burned another set using the latest version 24.
So i went about mucking around with the laptop and installed window8 knowing that i could rebuild it with the disks i created.
Now the first thing i did wrong was not pullout the second drive, mine has 2x1Tb Samsungs, factory fitted. Not to worry, i got the back off and removed the drive. Next went thru the process of doing the update, all went well untill it finished and recieved this error.


I than tried with both sets of disks and i keep on getting the same result.
Lucky i have a win7 disk and i now have installed it. Latter next week i will be getting an Intel 520 240gb SSD. I will give it a go.
Any Ideas, as i was wanting to keep the original disk as a system image.
By the way mine is a G75VW-91132V, 3D screen, 16gb Mem, GT670M, 2x1tb Samsung HD

Thanks in advance:o
G75vw-91132v 🙂
i7 3610QM
GTX 670M
17.3" FHD 3D LED Backlight
1x 240gb Intel 520 1x 1TB 5400rpm

Hey Wayne: Well you got me stumped for right now ... but there are at least 2 things I can think of to try plus a question.

Question is ... is it possible that your machine was setup with a RAID configuration ( multiple drives ) in BIOS that should be reset/changed before proceeding? ( Could have been possibly RAID 0 = striping or RAID 1 = mirroring I guess ).

Once that has been ruled out here are a couple of ideas:

1) Do you have any smaller drives ( not necessarily an SSD ) to try using for a DVD recovery run? ( You could use either set ). Just have the 1 drive inside the machine trying the recovery.

2) Use a tool like MiniTool WIn 7 Partition ( free version available ) and make a bootable DVD and with just the single 1 TB drive in your machine remove all partitions and apply that change ... maybe even briefly erase the drive.

Then start all the way over again with the recovery DVD's making sure that you use the 2nd set.