Right, i realized that the best buy version uses the crippled 560M after i sent the message.
I looked through the Asus G74SX-NH71 from Newegg.com.
But i checked and found quite recent negative reviews that makes me a little bit worried. After May 8 i will be on the summer vacation and i could not do anything if something goes wrong with my laptop during those 2 months
😞 So i'm trying to find the most prestigious dealer :(.
So my final choices came down to the G74SX-AH71 from Amazon with 1449$ (kind out of my reach), the G53SX-AH71 also from Amazon (1199$, but like u said it likely has some problems with the charger =( ), and the G74SX-NH71 from Newegg (1379$, i could push myself a little bit, but i'm worried since i never purchase anything from newegg before)..
Please help :).
Asus ROG G53SW-XN1 - Intel Core i7 2630QM 2.00GHz - 10GB Memory - 500GB HDD 7200rpm - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M 1.5GB OC 795/750/1590