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Problems with G750jx

Level 7
Hello guys,

After buying the G750jx last november, I had some trouble with it multiple times not restarting when reopening it after just putting the screen down while in Windows, forcing me to put it off holding the power button for a few seconds.
Also, it will often not detect the connected mouse when i start it up, despite having the mouse driver as an autostart program. The issue is fixed by plugging it out and into a different USB port (not the same).

The first of those problems was mostly solved by updating to windows 8.1.

A couple of days ago, I installed Nvidia Geforce Experience with the 334.89 driver (not sure which driver was on it before) since the game I'm mainly playing (quake live, which isn't especially graphically demaning) suddenly didn't feel as smooth as before and I had vague sounddrops ingame. Since installing that new driver, I still have those same ingame problems, but I also noticed a short blackscreen before joining a server which wasnt there before and also, the video in Skype malfunctions after working initially in a call and then can't be put back on in the same skype session.

I noticed a white cloud symbol in the active tasks box (SkyDrive), which continually wants to update files (even though I don't use that service, or at least don't want to) - could that cause the lagging?

I did a 3d benchmark test ( ) which seems to be about average for this system, even though I felt it was a bit disappointing

Crystaldiskinfo shows the status "good" (100 %).

I'm running this computer the way it came out of store with windows updated to 8.1 and mcafee live safe. Now I have read that the consensus about mcafee is that it is a bad product - should I deinstall it despite paying for 1 year service and get something else.
Are there any obvious things I should do to improve this thing? Is it the right graphics driver? Should I try going back to an older version of the driver?
I'm thinking about reinstalling windows, but the product came without a windows dvd.
Essentially, I'd like to find out if there is ome hardware problem, and if so, use my warranty.

I hope I'm in the right place to ask these things and would like to thank you in advance for helping! 🙂

Best regards, leglocked.

Status Under Review
... could, you put your problem in a more specific and simple term? ( It's just me, I want to help you, but I don't understand your issue. )

Level 7
It sounds to me like the issues are:
1) When you close the lid, although the sensor/pin works as intended since a restart fixes the issue, but the screen itself doesn't function as it is supposed to.
2) A mouse recognition problem
3) After updating the GPU driver, but not before, you are having in-game/in-program graphic errors.
4) The other things you mentioned are simply personal preferences IMO: McAfee vs other AV programs, Windows 8.1, and benchmark scores.

If I have misunderstood please clarify.

Possible reasons for your issues are:
1) My first question is, has your computer always done this or is it a new problem? It sounds like it could be a driver problem when try to "reboot" (I don't know the correct term) the display. It would be helpful to know if the computer is still functioning, but without the display. Can you use keystrokes the next time it happens to blind launch a program and see if the HDD indicator light works?
2) There have been others that have had USB issues on the G750 series, most if not all have been solved. I've never had any USB problems, so I can't help you there, but browse this forum and you should come across it.
3) Roll back your GPU driver. If it worked before, and not now, then go back to your previous version. When doing that, uninstall GF Experience and make sure you do a 100% clean install (google it) of the new (actually "old") gpu driver to avoid future errors. I personally hate the new driver, I've had two separate times my G750 has shutdown due to a failed gpu overclock after updating and I never had a single issue before.
4) McAfee has a bad reputation because of it's creator (he's a prick, google if you are interested) but it shouldn't have caused your problems.
4a) If your benchmark scores are equal to what is expected, I don't see why you are disappointed.
4b) A clean windows install might not be a bad idea. It sounds like a lot of your problems, if not all, could be driver related. If you are comfortable doing a clean install you can download the Windows 8.1 iso from microsoft's website, your product key is embedded in your hardware and will be auto-detected, then you can get all the new 8.1 drivers from Asus and update as needed. It's a pain, but a fresh starting point is great for troubleshooting.

Edit: Reading what I posted, I realize my sentence structure and grammar is horrible because i was deleting and re-typing a lot of it. I'll try to fix it later since I need to get my kiddos to bed, but for now just try to ignore it 🙂

It is often encouraged by some to do a "clean" Windows install, from the Microsoft ISO, ignoring all the work Asus did to build an OS image specific to the hardware they designed to work together well.

I don't understand this idea myself, having done many custom image builds for clients that are optimized to the hardware and task. Being able to take that image and recreate that same tuning / install on new hardware saves so much time - no client, once happy with the build, is going to waste the time to redo all that work themselves again.

Neither should anyone with a G750 need to do a "clean" Windows install. It is a waste of time.

If you feel that you have lost control of your changes, tuning, settings, or some corruption due to a bad crash / repair is causing unexpected behavior, then you can use the Asus Recovery options to do a "Clean" Asus Windows re-installation, taking the configuration back to the original Asus Windows 8.0 - or Windows 8.1 install for new G750's.

A Clean Asus Windows Recovery is a better starting point than going all the way back to a vanilla Microsoft Windows install - everything should work the same as it was out of the box - and then you have a chance to update, install, configure again - knowing now what not to do wrong again 🙂

It is pretty rare that you should need to do a Recovery. Uninstalling, rolling back, and reinstalling should be enough.

hmscott wrote:
It is often encouraged by some to do a "clean" Windows install, from the Microsoft ISO, ignoring all the work Asus did to build an OS image specific to the hardware they designed to work together well.

I don't understand this idea myself, having done many custom image builds for clients that are optimized to the hardware and task. Being able to take that image and recreate that same tuning / install on new hardware saves so much time - no client, once happy with the build, is going to waste the time to redo all that work themselves again.

Neither should anyone with a G750 need to do a "clean" Windows install. It is a waste of time.

If you feel that you have lost control of your changes, tuning, settings, or some corruption due to a bad crash / repair is causing unexpected behavior, then you can use the Asus Recovery options to do a "Clean" Asus Windows re-installation, taking the configuration back to the original Asus Windows 8.0 - or Windows 8.1 install for new G750's.

A Clean Asus Windows Recovery is a better starting point than going all the way back to a vanilla Microsoft Windows install - everything should work the same as it was out of the box - and then you have a chance to update, install, configure again - knowing now what not to do wrong again 🙂

It is pretty rare that you should need to do a Recovery. Uninstalling, rolling back, and reinstalling should be enough.

OP, listen to hmscott on this one, he knows the G750 unit better than most.

I suggested the clean install because in the past that was my personal way on my desktops to control exactly what was installed and when. But this is a laptop and not a desktop, and if Asus offers a recovery that does the same thing it should save a great deal of time and headaches. I apologize for my misinformation before.

reka121402 wrote:
OP, listen to hmscott on this one, he knows the G750 unit better than most.

I suggested the clean install because in the past that was my personal way on my desktops to control exactly what was installed and when. But this is a laptop and not a desktop, and if Asus offers a recovery that does the same thing it should save a great deal of time and headaches. I apologize for my misinformation before.

Not a problem reka121402, It is easy to forget to recommend to others the OEM build when one is available.

A specialized custom OS image build such as Asus provides for the G750's usually isn't available when we build our own desktops.

Doing a Clean Windows Install is the quickest and most effective way to get a fresh start to work through an insolvable Windows problem, unless there is recovery image available, then that is even quicker.

It would be nice if Asus provided a USB flash drive with Recovery already loaded instead of asking people to do it themselves. Most G750 owners won't think to do it, until it is too late.

That is why creating an Asus Backtracker USB 3.0 Flash recovery drive is the first thing I suggest to new G750 owners when they get their laptop.