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power4gear boosts your cpu to 3.24 ghz on high performance mode...(g750jz)

Level 7
hello all. something ive noticed that i didnt previously. when you put your power options on "high performance mode" the cpu speed jumps and stays around 3.24 ghz.

pretty cool id say. almost like an overclock? because the normal rating is, 2.40 ghz and more with turbo boost. once you put it on "balanced", everything turns to normal.

is there any other cool things anyone here found? id like to hear about them. after discovering this, im sure the jz has more hidden goodies that i/we dont know about.


Level 7
You can use Intel XTU program to OC and get 3.49Ghz if you want a little more power.

Level 7
Wr3ckloose wrote:
hello all. something ive noticed that i didnt previously. when you put your power options on "high performance mode" the cpu speed jumps and stays around 3.24 ghz.

pretty cool id say. almost like an overclock? because the normal rating is, 2.40 ghz and more with turbo boost. once you put it on "balanced", everything turns to normal.

is there any other cool things anyone here found? id like to hear about them. after discovering this, im sure the jz has more hidden goodies that i/we dont know about.


When you put it on high performance, it puts the max cpu % to 100%. Which enables turbo boost. Once you put it on balanced, max cpu power is 99%, which disables turbo boost.

Turbo boost will be 3.4ghz on 1 core load, 3.3ghz on 2 core load, and 3.2ghz on all 4 cores being loaded.

Now this takes more power, so less battery, and it also increases heat. But yes this makes the 4700 run at its full potential including turbo boost. Kinda great isn't it!

Level 9
You don't need the P4G software for this. Should you uninstall it, set the parameters in the Windows Power Options to min and max CPU usage to 100%; turbo bust will be automatically enabled (it will push it up to 3.3 GHz). I performed a P4G test (the latest version), and it is very useful if you want to save battery - or if you want to use the battery for longer. It will help you have about ~10% battery life. The caveat is that if you are in a complex network (University or big enterprise), the WiFi connection will take A LOT more time to connect (~1 min), while in the absence of P4G it takes no more than 10 seconds.