This 90° connector on amazon, will it work on a broken one ?
The golden stick of my motherboard is broken. But will the computer take the charge anyway just with this adaptator ?
That is for the question.
Now if you want the story of the Global Warranty...
I am fighting with Asus Denmark. They are of course not considering the warranty and keep on answering like bots do...
I live in Iceland and bought the computer online in France.
No Asus backup in Iceland.
I first called England, declared the problem and been told that it was under warranty (nice). They also told me that they were'nt dealing with Iceland. They told me to call Ireland.
I called Ireland. They told me to call Denmark.
I went on duty, came back home when the warranty period was done. But the problem was already declared in the warranty period.
I called France. They told me it wasn't anymore under warranty. I told them that I declared the problem in England so they could check the SN. They told me they could'nt do that...
I sent a warranty message via Asus VIP club.
Daniel told me that the problem wasn't under warranty.
I told him it was.
He replied it wasn't.
So I finally called Denmark.
I had a cool girl on the phone. She told me that I declared the problem the 28th of september in England so the problem i was declared during the warranty period (This was cool). She also told me that she would ask to her +1 if they could do something and then she would send an email...
Never heard of her anymore.
So I called back.
I had Olaf on the phone. He told me that the computer was under warranty (awsome !) and that he will send me via email all the informations I need to send it.
Never heard anymore about Olaf...
So I called back.
I was told there that the problem is under warranty (i am starting to know that) but Iceland is out of the warranty.
I asked for a disclaimer of that warranty where I could see that Iceland is excluded. He said a level 2 agent will contact me about it.
Two days later, I received a mail from Patrick, level 2 agent I guess, saying that the problem wasn't under warranty and that:
I laughed, I sent a mail on fire to the dual level 2 bots Patrick and Daniel, and then I came here to cry with you guys...