Hi! I'm trying to find why my battery is acting so weird. The wear charge is over 40. Temperatures are normal, the laptop (Asus g74sx) was sent to repair (power jack replaced/fixed and fans cleaned) I tried it yesterday on battery mode, one hour before the shut down, 60% battery level, no notification of low battery or whatever. Sudden shutdown. Today, sudden shutdown after 5 minutes, level charge 97,5%. The battery is supposed to be full. No reason it shuts down suddenly, unless there is something wrong.
I did some setting changes with the power 4 gear setting mode, now, I really want to return to all default settings for all modes. Is it possible? Maybe it can help! Or maybe you can point me what settings apply to every mode??? I know the battery is probably at the end of her life (After about 18 months, intense 3d work with heavy softwares like 3dsmax, mudbox, zbrush, but still. I don't know so much about battery. My old computer, old vaio, almost 4 years, is still having a great battery, wear charge only 19%. Is the 4gear utility is the problem?? I'm waiting for a new battery. Is my problem will be solved with a new battery? Do I have to do something speclal with this new battery or it adjusted automatically when inserted?? First time I'm replacing a battery, don't want to mess up. Finally, I Please help me! Thanks!