Hello everyone,
I'm a newbie when it comes to gaming notebooks, and even gaming computers in general. Growing up, my gaming PCs typically consisted of a $400-500 tower from Walmart/Best Buy and and $50-75 graphics card. It suited my purposes back then; most likely it was due to the fact I never knew any differently. Well I'm a college student now majoring in mechanical engineering. I was hoping to purchase a notebook the would run my drafting software, but I wanted it to be a decent gaming machine as well.
I found myself drawn to two notebooks in particular. Both are within my budget of $1200
+-$50; they're both ASUS ROG machines too. I was hoping to get y'alls input on which is the better machine. These are the two notebooks below:
ASUS ROG G751JT-WH71(WX)http://www.amazon.com/G751JT-WH71-WX-17-Inch-GeForce-Version/dp/B015QZVAF2http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232863ASUS ROG G751JT-CH71http://www.amazon.com/G751JT-17-Inch-Gaming-Laptop-model/dp/B00NVV2B98/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?i...http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232202I have found many of a review on the JT-CH71 model from 2014. Reviewers speak very highly of it. My problem is the I can't seem to find a whole lot on the more recent JT-WH71(WX) model from late 2015. The only differences I'm finding are that the processor in the JT-WH71(WX) is 100MHz (0.1GHz) fast compared to the JT-CH71, and that the JT-WH71(WX) has G-Sync while the JT-CH71 does not. However, I noticed that over all, the 2015 WH71(WX) seems to have poorer reviews on Amazon compared to its former model from 2014. The reviews seem to indicate issues with quality control, particularly centering around screen problems like screen bleedthrough and DOAs.
My questions are thus: which model is indeed the better of the two? Are the reviews/issues about the G751JT-WH71(WX) simply teething troubles of the initial batch and if so, have they been ironed out by now? How important is G-Sync given from what I've read ASUS seems to drag their feet in things related to it.
Any and all information would be appreciated as I really don't want to drop this amount of cash on a notebook if it's not going to be reliable/quality. Thanks.