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New profile for fans G751 JY

Level 7
Hi !! I have second G751 JY (i7 4860HQ , 16 GB ram , 980m , ssd 256 plextor m6s , 1 tb hitachi) again have higher MAX temps on cpu , but lower then i have in first . I thinking what too do , i used notebook fan control with asus zenbook profile , but on him idle have 50 degrees on cpu cause he has 0-50 fans off ... So i thinking how to make new profile ... its take some time cause i dont know this program before but i make it 🙂 Now i have new profile its called NOWY and he works auto :
0-30 degrees fans 0
30-45 degrees fans 25%
45-55 degrees fans 37,5 %
55-65 degrees fans 50 %
65-80 degrees fans 100 %
Its works amazing on furmark + prime 95 small ftt i take down my temps almost on 10 from MAX ...again i have core 2 with higher temps without this profil on this test i have 94 on core 2 and throttling 45642 this temps are not good i have lower but is 1 example . In game is ALOT better 🙂 FC4 on ultra i have 58-74 on cpu never reach 80 hahaha GPU max 68 but almost time 58-61 🙂
ASUS G751 JY / i7 4860 HQ / GTX 980 M / 16 GGB RAM / SSD 256 PLEXTOR M6S / HDD 1 TB HITACHI 7200 🙂
Fire Strike
101 REPLIES 101

viper3000 wrote:
Nothing???? :(:(

16.7% = 2300 rpm, that should be the minimum CPU fan speed.

If you set it to 0%, fan should stop at all (I tested it with laptop opened), but HW Monitor will show 1600 rpm (bugged reading probably).

Level 10
Guys, if you want more info on how to configure NBFC you can read a few things over here:

I know it is a lot, but I just explained it step by step. Btw, you can modify the G751JY profile that is already present in the config list. Just don't mess with the Read/Write register or Poll Interval. I recommend using the latest version of NBFC which can be found in the same thread.