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New G750JZ, G750JM and G750JS Gaming Laptops Launch With Nvidia GTX 880M, 870M, 860M

Level 15
248 REPLIES 248

RipVanFit wrote:
Ok, Splendid has been removed, machine restarted and looks a little bit better (or maybe i'm getting used to), the lines are still visible if you see the screen really close, but if i move away, it is like the pixels were big enough to bee seen at a normal working distance...

I also tried to create a custom resolution using the nvidia control panel without luck. The nvidia control panel installed on my laptop didn't have the options. I'm using version 7.7.760.0 and my drivers are 337.88. If y enter the Advance Configuration of the screen resolution using Windows 8 change resolution software, it opens Intel screen configuration, not Nvidia. So, the system is using intel GPU for windows by default.

I really don't want to send the laptop back to Amazon or Asus to change the display or send me a new one. Probably i will get another low quality screen. That will be my last option since i bought the Laptop in USA and now i am back in Mexico, it will cost me a lot of money and time.

Did Asus really try to sell laptopts without Q&A dept checking all the machines? I'm really impressed with the quality of the Laptop, it is really good, the keyboard, internal components, cooling, performace, style, etc. Why did they sell this gaming beast with such displays knowing that people is complaining everywhere?

By the way, hmscott, thanks for all your help, i guess you are tired of giving advice and hear all the people complain over and over. I appreciate your support.

RipVanFit, not sure about Asus passing the laptops with screen lines, you would think the visual would be #1 on the QA check list --- maybe we should take up a collection and send the Asus QA department a box of reading glasses 🙂

The Optimus takes away refresh rate changes we recommended for improving the screen - color correction remains - if you have a Chi Mei screen (check with AIDA64 or hwinfo64) you could try the ICC Color Correction Profiles posted a while back:

I haven't checked the desktop scaling on the new JM/JS/JZ - if you go into the Display control panel, make sure it is on 0% magnify (smaller).

Check your temps under load, the JW/JX/JH used to all run without thermal throttling even under 100% CPU/GPU load, but some of the JM/JS/JZ are heating up too much and entering thermal throttling - which can be corrected by down clocking CORE 3 and 4 a bit, and you can make up the performance by up clocking Core 1 and 2 🙂

Have fun!

Level 7
I got a AU Optronics panel ( AUO219D ). The Laptop is not getting even warm in regular windows tasks like browsing. It reaches arond 70° C playing games like Titanfall. Windows is not scaling the display, the magnify is at 0%.

I have found other people with different screen problems:

This person sees very thick horizontal lines. I use to see very thin vertical lines. After removing Splendid and reboot the vertical lines are very difficult to see but still there if you look close. I also notice when playing, the display looks much better than back in windows. I don't know if it's because the graphics card ( Nvidia vs Intel ) or because things are moving fast inside games and there is a lot of colors and brightnes contrast.

I'm still not super happy with the display but i will try to wipe windows next weekend and see if it's help.


RipVanFit wrote:
I got a AU Optronics panel ( AUO219D ). The Laptop is not getting even warm in regular windows tasks like browsing. It reaches arond 70° C playing games like Titanfall. Windows is not scaling the display, the magnify is at 0%.

I have found other people with different screen problems:

This person sees very thick horizontal lines. I use to see very thin vertical lines. After removing Splendid and reboot the vertical lines are very difficult to see but still there if you look close. I also notice when playing, the display looks much better than back in windows. I don't know if it's because the graphics card ( Nvidia vs Intel ) or because things are moving fast inside games and there is a lot of colors and brightnes contrast.
I'm still not super happy with the display but i will try to wipe windows next weekend and see if it's help.

RipVanFit, glad to hear removing Splendid helped 🙂

What power plan are you on? Have you removed Power4Gear - it's also problematic - running Balanced Power Plan most of the time myself, with High Performance only for benchmarking.

The thick lines like that look like rendering problems, not screen/display problems - if the screen looks fine in that area under solid color / static image display, then what that is is a rendering issue. Nvidia driver related and/or game engine. Also, that is for the output through the Nvidia GPU, the Intel GPU isn't used for output / rendering as it isn't enabled in the JW/JX/JH.

You should get a handle on knowing which GPU is running when you are looking at the screen - but know that all display output goes through the Intel IGP, not the Nvidia GTX GPU - but of course the Nvidia rendering will look better than the Intel GPU rendering.

I am interested to hear if doing the Clean Microsoft Windows 8.1 install with out ever installing Splendid helps. One guy swore it did, but like I said it's been a long time since he posted, and no one since has taken the time to try it.

Let us know how it works out 🙂

Level 7
The vertical lines, banding and flickering which people keep complaining about are present at most old and new lcd panels. I've compared my Chi Mei panel with an old Samsung 1280x1024 lcd monitor and a new LG fullHD 3D TV and the concerned 'problems" showed up on the TV and desktop monitor too, the only difference was that it was a little bit harder to spot on the monitor.

The monitor was hooked up to a desktop PC using NVidia GTX750 card.

Level 7
why we are not allowed to configure the laptop when we want to buy a new one?

xcaetano wrote:
why we are not allowed to configure the laptop when we want to buy a new one?

xcaetano, are you asking why we can't do a Custom Build for our G750 when ordering it?

Asus doesn't do that, but there are a number of Asus dealers that do Custom Builds.

The G750 has a soldered CPU, and a GPU that can't be upgraded, so besides memory, disk, and screen there aren't a lot of reasons for change.

Adding memory is easy, as is changing the disk, so you can do those yourself - search on this forum for information on how to do them - and read the downloadable pdf manual from the Download area for the model you are getting.

Level 7
why also in the website it is not said the manufacturer and model of the ram modules?

xcaetano wrote:
why also in the website it is not said the manufacturer and model of the ram modules?

xcaetano, the RAM manufacturer and model varies from one production run to another, so you need to use a program like CPU-Z or hwinfo64 when you get your laptop to look at the SPD info, which will tell you the Manufacturer, model number, and other info.

You can read through this forum sticky thread on memory, either start from the end, or go all the way through to the end to get up to date info - some people used memory early on that said it was 1.35v but the SPD value was set to 1.5v, so it can't be used in the G750 - found out later in the thread. Don't just read 1 post and pick their choice, read through to the end to make sure you get all the info before ordering.

Upgraders: 1.35V memory is required!!

Level 7
Hi, i need helps or suggestion from you guys, i got a problem with my JZ, after i install games on my Jz, i wont run because it says my JZ doesn't meet the requirement.

Here the example.38283

Why this happens? i also try with pirated games, same result.

Level 8
Maybe the game is trying to run on Intel video card, and that one has only 128MB.