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New Asus G750JS laptop overheating problems

Level 7
Hi everyone,

I just bought a new Asus G750js i installed windows 8.1 pro on it and updated everything,after that i went on asus support page and got all the latest drivers there and installed them one by one (after each install i restarted the laptop)

but the problem is that the cpu temps spike way too fast i havent still tried playing games on it but if i just open google chrome the temperatures go up to 80C and fan speed goes around 4400-4700 rpm but sometimes it cools down very fast like in 5seconds and temps go back to 50...cpu temp never been lower than 45 even when running only aida64extreme(thats with what i check temps and everything else)

laptop is 8gb ram..nvidia gtx870m 3gb...2 hdds one is 1tb and one is is installed on the one with 500gb

thats the overheating problem

another issue is after i installed the drvers everytime i turn on the laptop and enter windows the drivers ask to "run" that i'm not sure it should happen (like the intel graphic card...)
also its happenig sometimes that the ntel graphic card crashes and restats immidietly...

these are temps wth only AID64EXTREME runing and google chrome as i am writing this

please let me know what to do...(i was planning on buy a nw ssd and another 2x8gb of ram but know i dont even know if the laptop is working how its supposed to work..

Level 7
How much CPU is used?
On my G750JH (780M no Optimus) it takes about 66 seconds to hit 80C and + 24 seconds for 81C fans at 3500RPM.
Upon stopping Prime95 which I was using to stress the CPU I went from 81C to 57C in 2 seconds. Idling at 44C 2300RPM

When the fan ramps up, do you feel a lot of hot air coming out? If you only feel cool air coming out you may have a bad pasting job in which case an RMA would be advisable.

Level 7
CPU ranges from 0% to 15% it changes...and sometimes its cool air but sometimes its kinda warm..never too hot tho...

righnow i have a launcher downloading something..aida64extreme on and google chrome with this and another tab open
the cpu temp is 60C...i dont know f thats normal...the cpu fan(left one facing the screen) isnt at many rpm right now but i can feel its working and its blowing out cool air at 2800RPM
oh and i am on battery and its power4gear power saving mode if that matters...

this is what happened when i plugged in (power4gear high performance) i didnt open/close anything before i plugged in or after

Level 7

Level 7
just writing so someone might see..i really dont know what is wrong with this laptop..would appreciate some help

Level 9
Install all updates from update center for your os! Or also monitor temps while gaming using hw monitor. Aida can show wrong tems with this laptop also shoved for me several times wrong temps! My cpu is running above 60c while browsing. Try to uninstall p4gear and use only windows power plans. Reply when you check!
Asus G74SX> Asus G55VW 3D> Asus G75VW 3D> Asus G750JW> Asus G750JX> Asus G750JH

Level 7
all updates are installed for windows 8.1pro...i download hwmonitor and installed it ...i removed power4gear...right laptop is plugged in and on power saving mode...cpu i have only this page opened and hwmonitor my cpu temperature is 57C to 62c its jumping around and the cpu fan is at 2700rpm

watching videos on youtube or watching a movie online it gets it to 73C

Level 9
So I think is dried thermal paste. If you can send it back to asus for repaste!
Asus G74SX> Asus G55VW 3D> Asus G75VW 3D> Asus G750JW> Asus G750JX> Asus G750JH

Level 7
whats the max temperature ur laptop gets to when playing?

Level 9
75-80 cpu 80-85 gpu
Asus G74SX> Asus G55VW 3D> Asus G75VW 3D> Asus G750JW> Asus G750JX> Asus G750JH