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Need some help w my G750JX extra SSD

Level 7

So i've got an original 750HDD w my G750JX, i purchased an SSD and install Win 8 OEM on it from an USB stick. In order for the G750 to recognize the ssd n usb, i have to remove the hdd and then disable secure boot from BIOS.

Now there's 2 things bugging me.

1. I have to disable Secure Boot option in bios for good, otherwise it will boot directly to the HDD w the Windows Boot Manager. I didn't want to format the HDD just yet.

2. The Asus ROG boot screen is gone, now the appearance order on screen when i turn on my gear is: Asus ROG for 0.5s, blank for 2s, then window 8 logo ....

Any help?

Also, myglossy screen got problem so i changed back to the matte one and found this. whenever i use chrome and unplugged, the color is fine on top of the page, if i scroll down for like, 3~5 lines, the color start to change to yellow-ish, if i scroll back up, it reverse. if i plug in, color wont change...

Any thoughts?

Thank you so much in advance.

Level 12
Kantm wrote:

So i've got an original 750HDD w my G750JX, i purchased an SSD and install Win 8 OEM on it from an USB stick. In order for the G750 to recognize the ssd n usb, i have to remove the hdd and then disable secure boot from BIOS.

Once you are booted, check to see if your C drive volume was formatted as an MBR or GPT volume - on Windows Install if you didn't reformat the drive it might remain an MBR drive, which is causing the problems - reformat on Windows Install and it will correctly format as GPT.

In Windows, right click on My Computer => Manage => Storage Management => right click on Tab to the right of C drive volume (square grey box that has drive label) and select properties, properties Volume tab should look like this:


Google turns up a bunch of links for converting MBR to GPT, but I haven't tried any of them, might be best to just reinstall Windows, remembering to reformat (delete partitions and start from scratch) at the beginning of the install.

Level 7
Thats gonna be a rough path, I'll pay mpre attn next time then.will check l8er n try the conversion path to see if it work

Level 7
Thanks Scott, that does the trick, now i'm happy with my 3.5s shutdown time.

And also, for the booting, i just checked, yes, i didn't convert it to GPT... so still MRB it is. So, beside not having the secure boot screen, is there anything else beneficial from converting my ssd to GPT? kinda getting lazy here.