naumaanjaved, since it is going to be a long time before you purchase a new laptop, you should continuing reading the user forums of MSI, Alienware, Dell, HP, and you will realize all the laptop makes/models have problems, in about the same percentage and degree.
All computers, from every manufacturer, can ship with problems that need fixing - by a software driver upgrade, by a cosmetic repair, by a replacement of a failed component.
Even after testing the components, and testing the completed laptop, somethings slip by or fail during shipment, or fail during the first few weeks of power on use.
Asus is good about fixing these problems, but most people never need to send their laptop in for repair, or return it at purchase for another unit. In the user forums we see a large percentage of failures because that is what user forums are for, a place for people with problems to come for solutions.
I have purchased many Asus laptops over the years, 3 of the G750's, and all but 1 had no problems at all. The one with a problem was a G2S with a graphics card that got flaky after a few months of use - and Asus replaced it and that laptop is still running great.
The G750's also had a bad audio driver problem near release, the Realtek driver that shipped with the laptop was ok, but one of the next Realtek upgrades broke the sound such that even installing the original shipping driver failed to work - the bad driver left files behind that needed to be tracked down and deleted manually - it took 6+ months for Realtek to ship a driver that cleaned up that mess and worked correctly.
So the G751's sound problem discovery to a fix was actually shorter in duration - fixed after about 4 months, but started from the shipping driver. Use driver version v6.0.1.7432 or . 7443
Realtek Audio problems happen to other manufacturers too.
There is a good reason to wait to purchase a new laptop model for a few months after release. Wait for any problems to be discovered - it took about a month for the first complaints about the audio to get posted - and then wait for any outstanding problems to get fixed before purchase, that is if the problems bother you.
Some regions don't get a lot of any particular Asus model, so there is a danger in waiting - you might not be able to find one if you wait.
For me, I usually alternate between buying at release, and buying after the bugs have been found and fixed.
The 980m GPU is the first real performance upgrade since the 780m, so it might be a couple of releases before something significantly faster than the 980m is released.
Asus usually announces new models in April, and releases in June. But this year I haven't heard of anything new - the G751 was released late last year - that is likely it for a while for the 17" category.
But, since you can't do this for a few months, check back when you are ready to purchase 🙂