So I'm at my girlfriends house, and the two of us are playing league, same internet, literally right beside each other. However, her ping
(on her triple core ancient piece of crap laptop) remained at 72, while mine fluctuated to the dreaded "attempting to reconnect"
notification. My ping would spike to 1000 and up, yet hers stayed the same. I seem to have lag problems in other games too, even
though my friends who are with me in the room on the same internet are not lagging, or lagging much less... I just bought an
expensive gaming laptop.. and yet, although I have fantastic graphics, I continue to lag more than my friends mid to low to crappy end
laptops.. it's very frustrating. If anyone has any potential solutions, or has a similar problem, please comment here. Not sure if it's a
driver problem, an Asus utility problem, a windows problem.. or what... Help meh plz.
A link to Canada Computers, where I bought if from: link to the actual Asus address to my laptop: link to the Asus Support for it: