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My experience with the Asus G751JT

Level 8
Hi all,

I would just like to share my experience with the Asus G751JT and all the issues I had so far. First of all, I would like to say that the packaging used by Asus is the cheapest I have ever seen and the laptop has 0 protection. It comes in a cardboard box without any sponge or any other measures of protecting your 1400€ laptop. So far, I had about 7 of them, I have changed each and everyone of them because they were never perfect, the idea is that a 1000+ euros laptop should be as close to perfection as possible. The main issues are: Screen, Keybord, Touchpad and Subwoofer.

Screen - Always a yellowish hue on the edge of the screen and in the corners, never a perfect black screen.
Keyboard- Buttons are getting stuck in a downwards position and they never return back to their normal position. Here and there you can see that the laptop has some bulges. Looks like something is pushing the keyboard upwards.
Touchpad - The buttons are not perfect at all, they vibrate a lot with the laptop, your sound cannot go anywhere above 50%
Subwoofer - The subwoofer always makes a rattle sound and again, if you have the sound above 50% you'll not have the vest experience.

So far, I never got lucky enough to get a perfect laptop. I still do not have one, I wish I would, but I'm not sure if its worth it to try again.

I have to admit that this is one of the best laptops when it comes to design and specs, there is nothing close to it on the market and it's sad that it's not perfect at all.

I wish I could buy one directly from Asus, one which can be transported with care and one which doesn't come with a box that looks like it has been through war to get to me.

I know that probably no one cares about what I'm saying here, I just wanted to say something, somewhere...


clockworksatan wrote:
Urgh, it sounds like you've had some incredibly bad luck, my friend. Not to rub it in, but I ordered my G751JT on Amazon Prime and received it the next day in perfect condition. No problems with the screen or anything.

Yes, you will get some vibration from the sub when the volume is turned up loud - that's a given and a common issue with the G751. Just plug in a good set of headphones and you're sorted.

sure pay $1500 USD for a flagship model laptops and plugin some headphones! LOL! The speakers should work, plugging in headphones is an alternative but is not an excuse for poor craftsmanship

matrixleader wrote:
sure pay $1500 USD for a flagship model laptops and plugin some headphones! LOL! The speakers should work, plugging in headphones is an alternative but is not an excuse for poor craftsmanship

There's not a laptop out there with what many would describe as 'excellent' sound; maybe 'adequate' and I think for all intents and purposes the G751 isn't actually that bad. Whatever the case, a good set of headphones or external speakers will trump any laptop's built-in speakers.
Asus ROG G751JT-T7115H
17.3" IPS, Intel i7-4720HQ, 16Gb RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX970m, 256Gb M.2 SSD + 1Tb SSHD

clockworksatan wrote:
There's not a laptop out there with what many would describe as 'excellent' sound; maybe 'adequate' and I think for all intents and purposes the G751 isn't actually that bad. Whatever the case, a good set of headphones or external speakers will trump any laptop's built-in speakers.

Very true, everything seems to be going forward in technology EXCEPT laptop speakers.

Man I had a G73Sw laptop a few years back which had a Creative Sound card and subwoofer and that thing was the best sounding laptop I ever had! very deep bass and loud speakers. Ever since then, ASUS switched to other vendors like Realtek or VIA and the sound has gone downhill.

matrixleader wrote:
Very true, everything seems to be going forward in technology EXCEPT laptop speakers.

Bah, give it a few years and the sound will probably be emitting directly from the screen or wirelessly into cerebral implants in our brains. Or something.

I think I watch too much sci-fi.
Asus ROG G751JT-T7115H
17.3" IPS, Intel i7-4720HQ, 16Gb RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX970m, 256Gb M.2 SSD + 1Tb SSHD