Thank you for asking, brotherBrodyBoy. I would be more than happy to explain.
As of Late.
In following closely within the forum I have witnessed HQ's participation in admirely
handleing these specific issues immediatley (Chain's of Command can be a painfully
slow process for the injured.) upon their being brought to light.
Across the Globe, to all reaches of the World to be grandeous ..
which is equal to the feat.
We must keep in mind that even a 1% incident rate of All Asus Production
would be a staggering undertaking just in the 20,000,000 overall motherboard arena.
Any 'Guesstimate as to Laptop and specifically G numbers? One (ours) is harsh.
Contract Centers and Support Centers are getting careful scrutiny .. and the
Verdict will come down not soon enough. This to shall cease in the re-emerging
economy. All negative revenue streams must be eliminated to secure fiscal luqidity.
And shall be.
The equipment is second to none. Established. Improvements with each generation.
The Support Workmanship. UnExceptable. Established. Phone Support .. Lacking.
Taken swiftly on a case by case basis. (Nobody is Play'n 'them'.)
with that ..
and I must say .. even to MY amazement .. although time is lost .. those that
I am speaking of are with glee.
Some have been in frustrated conflict since November ..December.
I have yet to see Any unResolved .. (Please-Bring any the light.)
I can further point to direct evidence of this but I am sure Asus, In their
humble and wise way would prefer not.
((Not to invite FreeLunch'r's to attempt to dine.)) -->
<--[ I'd be happy to PM them to any that ask. From the Public Forum. ]
Therefore, I believe it is More than Fair ... Fair Enough ?
OP - & any unknowing- BrodyBoy is one of the top trusted and respected
Members here .. with countless hours of serious ROG.
He has detailed and chronicled every conceivable aspect
of the G from strengths to flaw and knows better than most,
each intricately. Plus More.
BrodyBoy has long joined the voices screaming
for Asus to bring the added disgrace of unacceptable
workmanship in Our name to a screeching halt. Long time.
If Asus has paid attention to 1/10 of what he alone has written
the G55 and G75 should blow us all away ........... truth.
Not to speak for him .. but always with him.
and OP .. Now that this has been brought into an even brighter light..
Relax .. watch ..(smiling to myself.) ... Zen happens.
( I can not answer as to your specific case OP as to its merit. What is right will be done. This, I do know.)
Too All:
Question. haaha -- If an 'End-User's' (us) issues are never brought to light because those
responsible are self-sheltering ... how can it be resolved?
Answer: ROGforum.
Here is an idea: If they sign their name we will know who to thank.
Who may be getting a raise and who Should be unemployed.
and .. hahhahahaa
Why does everyone always ask me ? "Did you read.... ?"
I answered it didn't I ? .... hahahha (respectfully joking)